Welcome to the only channel of its kind in the entire YouTube universe!

Check this out! We just launched our own

Christ Now YouTube Channel!

Even though YouTube now hosts over 38 million channels,
CHRIST NOW’s channel is the only one of its kind.

Some YouTube channels are tiny; some are massive. Some have lots of videos; some feature only one. Some are from brands, some from creators, and some are only private. Quite a few were created by Christian ministries.

But there is nothing like the CHRIST NOW YouTube Channel. Consider:

We offer a vast array of original videos to choose from. Every one is focused exclusively on helping you explore and experience more of the wonders found in the person and reign of Jesus Christ today.
We provide a wide variety of videos to fit every taste and need. Some are only 30-second video clips. Others are one-hour dynamic teaching videos. But all are designed to help you discover and enjoy more of the greatness and glories of God's Son right now.
Our channel exists for only two purposes: (1) to create what we call a "Christ Awakening" in the life of every individual who views the videos; (2) to help fuel a Christ Awakening movement throughout the Body of Christ.
All of our videos on our new YouTube channel are original from Christ Now. To enjoy an additional array of worship videos and teaching videos taken from many other sources, check out what we feature at ChristNow.com.

So, take a moment to

Browse Our Channel!

Then don’t forget to


We’re always adding new videos!

How to use these videos


MAKE MORE OF CHRIST by building your next regular family prayer time around a video. Show it to everyone. Ask for comments or questions. Maybe sing a chorus that fits the theme or that just declares the praises of Jesus. Use the truth portrayed in the video in a time of prayer. View the video one more time to "seal" its truth in the hearts of every family member. All of this would take no more than 5-6 minutes.


MAKE MORE OF CHRIST by adapting the same suggestions under "Family" but using it as a way of opening your time together in worship and prayer. Or, if you're exploring a passage of Scripture during your gathering, pick out two to three videos that fit with the truths in those verses and stop to view the clips when applicable.


MAKE MORE OF CHRIST by showing CHRIST NOW videos with the same theme as a hymn or the topic of your message. Surprise your congregation by slipping a video clip into the middle of your sermon as a way of introducing one or two of the points in your message. Or you can use a clip at the conclusion of your preaching as a way of "sealing" God's Word in their hearts.


MAKE MORE OF CHRIST by using any of the suggestions above. Also, you might try having a specific theme for a single class (such as "the power of Christ today") and choose several clips that focus on various aspects of that theme. Follow each video with some open discussion before moving on to the next one. Adding a visual teaching experience will help their larger vision of Christ stay with them for a longer time.


MAKE MORE OF CHRIST as you serve others. Maybe it’s personal discipling or counseling or visiting someone in a nursing home. With each opportunity, pick a video (or two) that will minister to your friend’s concerns and watch it together on your mobile device. Talk with them about what the video's theme means to you and what it might mean for them. Pray the truth of that video into their lives.

There’s so much more at ChristNow.com!

ChristNow.com offers interactive resources, multimedia tools, and social
networks to help you explore and experience more of the supremacy of
God’s Son today, including:

Christ Institutes Video Series


Worship videos

Teaching videos

Daily devotions

Video testimonies




Email journeys

Blog posts

Various podcasts


In addition to the hundreds of videos we’ve produced for our YouTube channel, ChristNow.com features hundreds more drawn from other sources all available on our home page.

And best of all, EVERYTHING IS FREE!


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