YOU Can Empower a Nationwide Christ Awakening Movement!


YOU Can Empower a Nationwide
Christ Awakening Movement!

Join Thousands in Proclaiming
the Supremacy of God’s Son Today
Through the Social Media Outreach of ChristNowOnline


Editor’s Note: There’s an unusual spiritual stirring toward Christ throughout America in answer to decades of prayer for a nationwide Christ Awakening. Now YOU can become part of this movement—as you encounter the greatness of God’s Son in new ways, and as you help others to do the same. In this blog post, David Bryant introduces you to a brand new, coast-to-coast initiative full of exceptional promise for Christ and his kingdom.


An Adventure Like No Other!

How would you like to help change the course of history and the direction of our nation, all at the same time?

How would you like to help launch a Christ Awakening movement across America—to see thousands upon thousands—possibly millions—of  “sleeping,” self-focused believers in our nation “wake up” to the glory and supremacy of King Jesus?

Clearly, if this came about, such an encounter with Christ for all he is would change our lives and our churches. It would change our families and neighborhoods. It would change our nation. It would change our world!

This is the hope that millions of believers in America have been praying toward in recent years—individually, in local prayer groups, through prayer summits, by city-wide united prayer efforts, with stadium-sized Concerts of Prayer.

This was the longing of 1.5 million men who gathered on the Mall in Washington, DC, to spend six hours praying for a national revival—at one point prostrating ourselves on the grass in absolute silence before our reigning King Jesus, worshipping him as the answer to all of our prayers!

This is also the vision that propelled the formation of ChristNowOnline and It is why we created this one-of-its-kind base of operations for Jesus—the only one like it anywhere throughout the digital world. It is why our international team works together every day in order to empower the whole Church to become wholly alive to the whole vision of the whole Christ.

This is why we are working for YOU.

Now you can join us in this grand adventure! IN-TRO-DUC-ING…

A Campaign to Give King Jesus
a Base of Operations in the Digital World

…powered by ChristNowOnline &


Go Fund HIM has two goals: (1) to mobilize a host of advocates for a Christ Awakening movement in our nation who work together to help spread the vision of the supremacy of Christ throughout the digital world; and (2) to underwrite the daily operations and expansion efforts of all things related to ChristNowOnline and

As you know, the digital world is where people today get most of their information, where younger generations spend hours a week, where media can cross almost any boundary and go into homes and nations that are closed to other means of learning about the King of kings. Therefore, we call it “Go Fund HIM.”

The digital world provides Jesus a whole new way to bring believers, and unbelievers, into the fullness of life found only in him and the riches of his supremacy. So that’s why we call it “Go Fund HIM.”

We have amassed hundreds of multimedia tools and resources, all focused on the supremacy of Christ today and drawn from every stream of the Body of Christ—and all designed to give to Jesus multiple opportunities to help Christians become wholly alive to the whole vision of who he is, where he’s headed, what he’s doing, and how he triumphs.

Ultimately, this campaign is about Christians from coast to coast joining together to help fund this unprecedented opportunity for HIM.

All of this is happening at ChristNowOnline and It includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, plus daily devotions, teaching videos, timely blog posts, worship videos, and much, much more.

And all of it is FREE to you—to everyone!


Help Us Foster Christ Awakenings Everywhere!
Get Renewed in the Process!

Our new Go Fund HIM campaign is your opportunity to join hands with thousands of other believers throughout America and the world who are currently benefiting from the many digital platforms of ChristNowOnline as well as the abundance of free resources at TOGETHER we help spread a passion for the glory of Jesus through these amazing digital ministries into all parts of the Body of Christ.

Please note: Go Fund HIM is NOT a part of the popular “Go Fund Me” phenomenon—because it isn’t about “me.” It’s all about Jesus! This digital outreach belongs to our reigning Redeemer alone. It is for HIM to use as he pleases, right now, to advance his kingdom purposes among us.

Every dollar you donate goes directly into fulfilling the vision of ChristNowOnline and

Also, every dollar is tax-deductible. All gifts are channeled to ChristNow through the internationally respected ministry of Proclaim Hope!

Every dollar is expended only at the approval of a board of dedicated Christian leaders who are under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ and accountable to him.

I invite you to become a part of a Christ-exalting vision and mission that is bigger than yourself!

I invite you to join a history-making campaign designed to provide our glorious Master new ways to bring about a Christ Awakening movement among a multitude of Christians and churches and ministries across our land.

I invite you to become part of a spiritual force working to give King Jesus a host of believers who are totally passionate for his name and rise together to advance his fame and his reign.

Log onto Go Fund HIM and start getting involved today.

Together let’s wake up our generation
to the spectacular wonders of God’s Son
and to all that his supremacy offers us today.
Let’s exalt him together.
Let’s exalt HIM!



About the Author

Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and to Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely read books at


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