Why Not Start 2019 With a 21-Day Journey Into More of Christ?


Why Not Start 2019 With a
21-Day Journey Into More of Christ?

This is David Bryant wishing you the best new year ever in 2019!

To help make that happen, join me in January on a three-week adventure that will transform your next twelve months and beyond.

This odyssey is ready and waiting for you right now—made up of a series of 10-minute videos available as an app, or online, or as a podcast. And it’s all FREE! Let me tell you about it.


A Whole New Spiritual Habit Can Be YOURS
in Just 21 days!

Psychologists tell us that usually a person must practice a new routine for 21 days in a row, faithfully performing it day by day, for it to become a natural part of one’s lifestyle.

For example, if you want to start driving around town always within the speed limit, you must discipline yourself to stick to that commitment for three weeks every time you’re out on the roads. But from that point on, you’ll find yourself obeying the signs almost without thinking about it.

In the same way, how would you like to develop a whole new habit in your walk with Jesus in 2019—the practice of naturally, daily, and expectantly pursuing a deeper relationship with him?

A powerful new resource from ChristNow.com makes this totally possible. Introducing…


A 21-Day Journey Into More of Christ
…using one of three media options

For 21 days, guided each day by a ten-minute video carved out of The Christ Institutes Video Series, you will discover more and more remarkable truths about your Lord Jesus and what they mean for your life in him.

During three weeks in January 2019 (you chose whatever 21-day period works best for you), as you travel this “exploration expedition” into the supremacy of the King of Glory, you’ll thrill at who our reigning Savior is today in seven dimensions: TO us, FOR us, OVER us, BEFORE us, WITHIN us, THROUGH us, and UPON us.

You can experience this spectacular adventure in one of three ways:

  1. View the 21 videos using our free mobile app. Click here.
  2. View the 21 videos directly online. Click here.
  3. Download podcasts of the 21-Day Journey. Click here.

As one outcome of these 21 days, you’ll build a whole new habit—the habit of pursuing more of Christ daily. It will increase your desire to pursue him, and you’ll learn how to do that for all of 2019. In fact, this habit will become a part of your walk with Jesus for years to come.

So, are you ready to take the 21-Day Journey Into More of Christ? OK, then let’s get going!


About the Author

Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to ChristNow.com and to Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely read books at DavidBryantBooks.com.

  1. Pratap 6 years ago

    Dear David
    Thank you so much for sharing these incredibly valuable resources.
    What a way to enter the new year, by knowing who Christ is and His fullness.
    Wishing you a great year of 2019.
    Thanks again

    • Author
      David Bryant 6 years ago

      Happy New Year, Pratap! You are most welcomed. May ALL of 2019 be for you a journey into more of Christ! David

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