Why I’m Totally Confident About the Impending
American CHRIST Awakening—Even in 2024
Third of a Four-Part Series
David Bryant
Most of us like things in life to be predictable and dependable. No “bait and switch” please!
For example: During February’s nail-biting Super Bowl game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, over a third of our nation eyeballed TV screens and mobile devices to watch these top two NFL teams strive to become football’s national champions.
But already, days prior to the kickoff, various experts and sports commentators argued facts and stats to support their confidence about which team would prevail. And millions placed generous online bets based on their own convictions about who would win and by how many points. Maybe you were among them.
With far greater fervor than one could ever muster for a football game, however, I want to show you where my firmest confidence lies—about which I’ve bet my whole life.
With all my heart, I believe there is irrefutable evidence that we should be praying with no hesitation or reservation for a God-given outpouring of the Holy Spirit, bringing about a great awakening among God’s people to the greatness and glory of God’s Son. This holds a phenomenal promise for a full-orbed gospel-healing throughout the entire nation—coming to pass at any time, even before the close of this year, 2024.
I want to explore with you the seven reasons why I hold this expectation so enthusiastically. This is part three of my four-part series on the hope of an impending American CHRIST Awakening.
To review the series so far:
Part 1 of this series, we asserted that as God’s people, we have no other hope than for God to awaken us to the spectacular supremacy of his Son.
Part 2, we saw why Christians in America’s churches desperately need this reintroduction to Christ, which he is so ready and willing to give us.
Now, as promised last time, Part 3 presents reasons why we should all pray and prepare for Christ Awakenings to begin to emerge all across America, with the unwavering hope that we will not be disappointed.
Here’s the key question: How can we know for sure such a work of amazing grace is at hand?
Christ Awakenings in America—Even in 2024:
Seven Confidence Builders for You!
These “Seven Confidence Builders” are designed to fill Christians everywhere with growing anticipation about what lies just ahead of us, possibly before the close of 2024. I believe each one is irrefutable. How might they help you embrace the possibilities?
These Seven Confidence Builders are:
The Decisive Person
The Divine Pattern
The Dark Prospects
The Disturbing Paralysis
The Dramatic Preparations
The Distinctive Praying
The Determined People
Let’s examine each one briefly.
Confidence Builder #1:
The Decisive Person
God intends for his Son to be the focus of everything—at the end of history as well as every step along the way. He has no greater desire or higher purpose. In whatever he does, his ultimate goal is to sum up all of heaven and earth under Jesus as Lord (Ephesians 1:10).
Every revival—reflecting the Final Revival at the end of history (Revelation 21-22)—is meant to accelerate, intensify, and expand this process of giving Jesus supremacy in all things.
In seasons of “Christ Awakenings,” God intervenes among his people, clearly and sometimes dramatically, to restore to the Lord of the Church his rightful role as Redeemer King among his people and, as a result, to more fully advance his kingdom among the nations.
Conclusion: The Father’s passion for exalting his Son should lead us to pray and prepare with total confidence for Christ Awakenings, knowing for sure that God is willing and eager to bring this about at any time, even in 2024.
Confidence Builder #2:
The Divine Pattern
God is faithful and consistent in all his ways. We know from Scripture and over two thousand years of the growth of the global Christian movement that he has been pleased to grant times of significant renewal and revitalization to many generations of his people, from Genesis to the present.
We also know that one day, he will culminate all temporal seasons of revival and weave them into the Final Revival—that is, the consummation of everything under Jesus Christ as Lord.
Historically, God has graciously granted innumerable displays of Christ Awakenings. And since God is no respecter of persons, what he has done for other generations, he is able and ready to do for ours. So, we can be fully assured that we’re in the perfect position for him to do it again, even in 2024.
Conclusion: Therefore, we should confidently pray and prepare for nothing less than an American CHRIST Awakening, watching for it to begin inside churches all over the land and then flow out into the life of the entire nation full of Christ’s redemption and healing.
Confidence Builder #3:
The Dark Prospects
God loves the world and longs to see his Son exalted among all of earth’s peoples.
But he knows the world—including the American people—is currently facing extraordinary crises and challenges beyond its own resources to endure. In addition, humankind suffers under the dominion of both sin and dark spiritual powers.
Therefore, deliverance for the nations—for America itself—must come from the outside. It rests, as always, on God’s sovereign intervention to reveal more of the glory of his reigning Son, especially and first among his own people.
In this age—before the visible return of Christ—the Father must push back the darkness by releasing fresh solutions through believers and churches that have been made fully alive by the Holy Spirit to the supremacy of Christ. This fresh revelation and rejuvenation must unfold in a manner equal to—and in fact surpassing—the desperate needs (and unfulfilled opportunities) of our time to advance the Kingdom of Jesus in this generation.
Seen from another perspective, Christ Awakenings become a form of “spiritual warfare” toward unholy forces (seen and unseen). In fact, such a Christward revival is the only hope the Father currently holds out for our dying world.
Conclusion: Therefore, because the fame and reign of Christ must prevail against all darkness, we may pray and prepare with confidence for new waves of heaven-sent victory to come upon us for Jesus’ sake, even before the close of 2024.
Confidence Builder #4:
The Disturbing Paralysis
God loves the Church and intends to bring glory to his Son among the nations, primarily through his people. Hundreds of thousands of congregations across our country are meant to be “bases of operation” for advancing Christ’s kingdom today.
But the Father also sees that the desperate condition of the world, in large measure, is due to the American Church’s weakness and paralysis in fulfilling its mission for Jesus’ glory because of its deepening spiritual impotence, brokenness, dullness, division, and idolatry. Most recently, we have become politicized and polarized like never before.
On the one hand, we alone can’t fix this. On the other hand, God will not leave us in this powerless state indefinitely because of our calling and purposes in union with King Jesus. His Son’s reputation and the spread of the gospel are at stake.
Therefore, since he is committed to the welfare of Christ’s body to sustain the advance of Christ’s kingdom, both in our nation and beyond, he must deliver us—he must do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. With Jesus as the Head of the Church, our seasons of paralysis will not get the last word. With all authority in heaven and earth, Jesus still commands paralytics, “Rise and walk.”
The Father intends to awaken his people to a much grander, more compelling revelation of the greatness, goodness, and glory of his Son because he knows such an outpouring of the Spirit is the only way to procure the restoration and liberation his people so desperately need.
Like the dark prospects around us, this other sobering challenge inside the Church should drive us toward renewed hope in Christ’s renewing power—the only hope we have.
Conclusion: Our utter helplessness as Jesus followers is another reason why we can pray and prepare for the deliverance rising out of Christ Awakenings, doing so with unshakable expectations—even looking for the answers before the close of 2024.
Confidence Builder #5:
The Dramatic Preparations
The increased commitment of a critical mass inside the contemporary Church to fulfill the Great Commission—locally and globally—forms nothing less than a prelude to a fresh Christ Awakening movement just ahead. The Spirit of God is preparing to mobilize an army for the gospel, launched by and out of an American CHRIST Awakening.
In addition, look at the amazing increase of new Christians in newly planted churches among many nations. Consider the remarkable potential residing inside the American church (and the Christian movement worldwide) in terms of social and other kinds of media, financial resources, a plethora of new technologies, and tens of millions of workers to spread the Good News. All of this is in place and just waiting to be released.
Then, combine that with the variety of comprehensive strategies for fulfilling world evangelization that are being developed by many streams of the Church. This is coupled with the growing collaboration among Christians on many fronts to complete the task, combined with all kinds of open doors in our own nation (the growth of spiritual hunger) and among nations previously closed to the gospel (like in the Middle East).
Clearly, there’s no other explanation for all of this except that God is setting the stage nationally and internationally to reveal the next chapter of his eternal plan in Christ.
Conclusion: Since this is his work of preparation for his purposes, he will surely not fail in bringing it to completion. So, let’s boldly seek his face for a great Christ Awakening that fully engages his people in this glorious cause. Why not in 2024?
Confidence Builder #6:
The Distinctive Praying
In unprecedented fashion, God has been stirring up a multitude of his people worldwide to pray—doing so unitedly, specifically, increasingly, and persistently—for a Christ Awakening in every part of the Body of Christ.
He appears to be giving prayerful believers all over the globe a shared vision for the need for a radical Christ-exalting revolution that begins with the people of God.
There’s also a broad-based, biblical agreement on what a genuine Christ Awakening looks like. This prayer agenda is grounded in God’s purposes and promises fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ.
A chief characteristic of this historically unprecedented prayer movement is the growing conviction that such a mighty move of the Holy Spirit is at hand and ready to break in upon us if we commit to sustain our intercession for it together—and nothing less.
This prayer force can be found across America, coming to the Father in Jesus’ name to appeal for nothing less than an American CHRIST Awakening.
Conclusion: Since God is stirring up the Church to pray with a distinctive Christ-exalting focus, and to do so in concert, then surely, he does not intend for us to pray in vain—to walk away empty-handed. These are requests put in many hearts from the Throne, which he intends to satisfy fully. Therefore, we should prepare for those answers without fear of disappointment—standing on tiptoe as we wait for him to act, even before the close of 2024.
Confidence Builder #7:
The Determined People
God is galvanizing a host of Jesus followers in our nation and worldwide—a “remnant” at the moment—who are convinced that a deep, widespread Christ Awakening movement is the only hope for the Church and for the salvation of the nations—especially America.
Salted among congregations from coast to coast, the spiritual change agents are fearless in their confidence that there is so much more God wants to do in this generation for his Son.
Therefore, they are willing to pay any price to prepare the way for the Father to do it, beginning by sharing with fellow believers the wonders of who our reigning Savior is today.
Out of their growing hunger for more of Christ in their lives, they are determined to spread this vision in their churches and beyond to help other hungry Christians experience and explore new perspectives on the greatness of Jesus.
With their numbers increasing, these “activists” are committed to calling for and serving Christ Awakenings wherever they go.
As the Father’s gift to the Body of Christ today, these “messengers of hope” are a strong signal of the nearness of a Spirit-given reintroduction to God’s Son among God’s people. In fact, they form the very first phase of the awakenings that must come.
Conclusion: In view of this Spirit-birthed army of forerunners, shouldn’t all of us want to join with them to get ready for what’s coming? In them, we see clear evidence that the “time is at hand”—that it very well could come to pass before the close of this year!
So then, I ask you:
Do you find in these seven “confidence builders”
reasons to be filled with bold confidence that
America could experience a Christ Awakening movement in 2024?
Take a minute to review the extraordinary rationales we’ve just uncovered—then you tell me!
If a Christ Awakening should start to unfold across America in the next few months (or at any other time), what must we do to prepare and be ready to enter into it wholeheartedly?
About the Author
Over the past 50 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to ChristNow.com and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ Awakening movements. Download his widely read ebooks at ChristNow.com. Enjoy hundreds of podcast episodes. Watch his weekly vlogs at David Bryant REPORTS. Meet with David through Zoom or in-person events through David Bryant LIVE!