The Reign of Christ Is Exploding in New York City! Here’s How It Can Happen Where You Live!

The Reign of Christ Is Exploding in New York City! Here’s How It Can Happen Where You Live!

[Editor’s Note: What Jesus in his supremacy is accomplishing in entire cities across America today holds out all kinds of hope about what he wants to do inside your own life. How he is exalted among many people and how he is exalted through one individual is the same work of the Holy Spirit. In this blog post, David unveils the wonders of Christ breaking out all over New York City in order to point you to resources that can help those wonders break out in your own life. I think you will be amazed!]

What an unparalleled banquet Christian leaders shared two weeks ago, gathered in lower Manhattan. Roast beef was on the menu.

Best of all, however, Lamb was the main course!

What I mean is this: We heard reports that night of fresh displays in our city of the glories of the Lamb of God as we feasted on stories of the impact of “Jesus Week 2017”—breakthroughs in Christ’s reign that simply blew us away. Beyond what we had imagined, much more of Jesus’ kingdom’s activity is currently exploding all around us, all the time.

In fact, I’m in India right now, teaching hundreds of Christian leaders in Mumbai and Hyderabad about the possibilities of similar “explosions” of the power of God’s Son into their own lives as well as into their cities as they minister for the gospel together.

The good news for you is this: The types of “explosions” we celebrated at that Manhattan dinner can become your experience as well. What I’m sharing in India is what’s waiting to happen for you.

Take a look.

An Amazing Promise That’s for All of Us

Whole new dimensions of Christ’s reign breaking into a life or city are simply manifestations of God’s desire for all of us. Consider, for example, 1 Corinthians 1:

There’s no end to what has happened in you—it’s beyond speech, beyond knowledge. The evidence of Christ has been clearly verified in your lives. Just think—you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all . . . God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that (The Message, emphasis added).

The fantastic promise of this passage assures us that miracles like those being unleashed in New York City can be replicated for anyone, anywhere—including for you, right where you live.

This is especially true now. That’s because many of the practical resources and strategies hammered out these past several years in the “capital city of the world” are now available to believers everywhere, including here in India. They can empower your personal walk with Christ as they equip you to join with other Christians to saturate your own communities with both the message and the reality of the reign of Christ.

Three Practical Ways to Witness This Explosion

First, be inspired by the mosaic of ministries that formed JESUS WEEK 2017. This past June a profound multi-church, multi-level initiative took place in New York City for the first time—nothing like this has ever happened before, in NYC or anywhere else that we know of. The thousands of Christians who got involved were so thrilled with the outcomes for Jesus that they’re preparing for Jesus Week 2018 (June 2-9).

View this short video and witness the vision for and some of the preparatory phases of the “explosion” that unfolded in June and beyond.

Second, discover more about MOVEMENT DAY in NYC. Movement Day laid a huge foundation that made Jesus Week possible. Every autumn for the past five years this multi-day convocation has assembled leaders from major cities across the USA and around the world.

Now this “explosion” is spreading to many other nations, carrying with it the DNA of the spiritual awakening unfolding in NYC. Maybe leaders from your church or community could attend Movement Day 2017 next month. Learn more about this historic, unprecedented phenomenon called Movement Day by viewing this short video.

Third, the implementation of Jesus Week points us to the work of SATURATE NEW YORK. This citywide initiative might also be called “Saturate Where You Live!” because it is so practical and so easy to mobilize in any community.

View this brief, fascinating video to see how much is going on. (On the home page of you will need to scroll down the page until you see “Learn More” printed over a picture of a bridge).

In fact, let me blog a little bit more about it right here before I finish.

It All Starts With the Explosion of a “Christ Saturation”

The Saturate New York initiative, which can transform any community, has created free practical resources for anyone to use anywhere. These tools can change not only cities but also empower lives like yours. Visit them at

Here are the three phases of the Saturate New York strategy you should know about—coupled with links to free helps you can start to use right now:

(1) Christ Saturation. There can be no river of living water flowing to our communities if it is not first of all flowing mightily through Christians and churches who are daily drinking deeply of the fullness of Christ and his reign in their midst.

At the Saturate NY website, you will find links to a treasury of resources offering practical ways for both churches and individual believers to pursue a Christ saturation. Check out two of them here and here.

And view this dynamic video to ignite in your heart a hope about the “explosion” of Christ Saturation waiting for you.

(2) Prayer Saturation. We also need to pour out biblical prayers all over our lives and our communities if we’re to see the reign of Christ explode upon us.

So, let me introduce you to another resource unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Believe it or not, it makes it “easy” for a Christ Awakening to be prayed into your entire community—as you pray for life after life, household after household, street after street, neighborhood after neighborhood—all mapped out for you!

View a brief, informative video about how all of this works practically. Then, to get started sign up at As you become “praying neighbors” to people on your block to help saturate your city with daily intercession, you prepare the way for the “King Jesus explosion” we so desperately need.

Engage the priesthood of believers to “break up the fallow ground” in your community by filling them with such a growing expectancy about the answers they will see that they want to move out to share Christ with their neighbors.

(3) City Saturation. Once we’ve experienced “Christ saturation,” which leads to increased “prayer saturation,” then city saturation naturally follows. Your life and your community will begin to explode with the transforming life that Christ brings as “saturated” churches partner in various creative outreaches, working together as the Body of Christ.

City saturation awaits the day when like-minded pastors and ministry leaders, passionate for the glory of Christ, form teams in every zip code and/or district in your community, to minister together, by word and deed, for the salvation of the lost and the transformation of society.

This is what we’re attempting to do more and more in NYC—displayed in how our united efforts at city saturation created the reports we celebrated at our banquet a few days ago.

View this exciting video to catch more of the potential for your city or community.

Allow the Reign of Christ to Explode In Your Life

I’ve just provided you with a variety of very manageable but eye-opening ways to move forward into more of Christ. You can’t do it all, and not all at once, of course. But start somewhere.

As hundreds have done in NYC, maybe you could start with the “21 Day Christ Awakening Video Journey,” by downloading the free app.

Let our wonderful Savior revitalize your life in ways that open the floodgates of a Christ Awakening into your home, your neighborhood, and at work and school. The Bible tells us our heavenly Father is no respecter of persons. That means, what he’s done for others—including here in famous Gotham—he is willing and able and ready to do for you.

So, come to the feast. Dine on the Lamb of God with us. Be inspired! Abound in hope. Take advantage of these unique strategies and resources.

Allow the reign of Christ to explode in your life today!

About the Author

Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ-proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI) and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and to Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely-read book at


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