The Radical Impact of the
Invasion of the Incarnation
Frequently, I enjoy the privilege of addressing hundreds of inmates in a maximum security prison, sharing with them teachings on the supremacy of Christ.
The fact is that there’s an amazing Christ Awakening movement unfolding in this nationally known correctional institution that should give hope to all of us about how such a spiritual revolution for Jesus can take place anywhere and anytime.
In December of 2019—before COVID hit—I shared with them during their annual Christmas Celebration Banquet (yes, a real banquet, inside a maximum security prison—of all places—with hundreds in attendance!).
My message was “The Radical Impact of the Invasion of the Incarnation.” Click here to watch a video clip of 12 minutes taken from The Christ Institutes in which I teach on this topic. It will give you a few insights I’m certain will bring even more meaning to your own Christmas celebrations in 2020.
A blessed and very happy Christmastide from all of us at
About the Author
Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely read books at Enjoy his regular CHRIST TODAY podcast.
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