Let David Bryant help you discover the variety of ways a vision of and a life in union with the reigning Son of God can powerfully impact how you come at the challenges, opportunities, and struggles you face every day.
For those who long to go deeper and further
in their relationship with God's Son
(Episodes 518-587) The Ascended Life
Thriving in a World Under the Reign of Christ
(Episodes 588-622) On the King’s Team
How the reigning Christ works AMONG us to triumph IN us and THROUGH us
(Episodes 623 onwards) SUMMER SAMPLER 2023
(Episodes 653-672)
Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (5) “He saved others, but he can’t save himself!”
Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (4) “Behold, this is your King!”
Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (3) “This one man must die for the nation!”
Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (2) “None speaks like this man!”
Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (1) “He welcomes sinners!”
The OPPOSITE SIGNAL strategy: How Jesus HEALS the trauma of LONELINESS
THE OVERVIEW EFFECT: Outer space shows why we MUST see Jesus in a NEW way
CHRIST THE KING: Be INSPIRED by this historic DEFIANCE of all dictators
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The AWAKENING
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The INCREASE
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The OUTFLOWING
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The INDWELLING
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The ADVANCE
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The REIGN
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The MISSION
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The PERSON
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The CRISIS
CHRIST ALONE! 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The PURPOSE
CHRIST ALONE: 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The ENCOUNTER
CHRIST ALONE: 12 insights to TRANSFORM 2023 for you: The FOCUS
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”: Like maybe right now? PLEASE?!
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”: Why this hymn MUST sing in YOUR heart
“Thou Who Wast Rich Beyond All Splendor”: His poverty = our riches
“Of the Father’s Love Begotten”: From infinity to infancy to YOU!
“Jesus Christ the Apple Tree”— How is Christ glorified by a FRUIT?!
See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (5) The great HEALING begins!
See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (4) The promised KING arrives!
See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (3) God now WITH US forever!
See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (2) God’s glory fully REVEALED!
See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (1) The amazing BACKSTORY
The deadly erosion of TRUST in America: Why ONLY Jesus can RESTORE it
“Tidings for ALL peoples”: The Case for a Christ-created “UNIVERSALISM”
How does one SUSTAIN a fresh encounter with the POWER of Jesus Christ?
Is an American CHRIST Awakening our ONLY hope? Answers to my critics!
On Advent 2022: What is the SPIRIT saying to the CHURCHES in America?
Why does the “pursuit of HAPPINESS” succeed ONLY if it takes us to JESUS?
Is there truly a CRISIS over CHRIST today to ALARM the American church?
How should the TRIUMPHS of Christ transform the way Christians GRIEVE?
Growing OLD under the supremacy of Christ: MORE LIKE JESUS than ever!!
Growing OLD under the supremacy of Christ: MORE ALIVE than ever!!
Why does calling Jesus LORD require us to ENGAGE with the POOR around us?
A tide of UNHAPPINESS is rising in our land! JOY IN JESUS is needed now!
HERESIES about Jesus ABOUND inside the Church! What is to be DONE?
How can Jesus HEAL a nation SUFFERING from a toxicity of division?
How can living in the AWE of Christ become a WAY OF LIFE for you?
Here’s how you can TRANSFORM Thanksgiving Day into a WAY OF LIFE.
My 2022 Thanksgiving Day Prayer: It’s all ABOUT Jesus and TO Jesus.
7 powerful Thanksgiving Day PRAYERS most of us have NEVER prayed!
25 famous QUOTES about Jesus to SHARE Thanksgiving Day 2022
Which Thanksgiving Day—past, present, future—is the GREATEST to you?
Holiday Replay: Jesus is truly ESSENTIAL for us! But why is that so?
Holiday Replay: The one mighty hope that can revolutionize a life, church, or nation
Holiday Replay: The American church is DYING! Time to ACT!
Holiday Replay: What can you DO to cure “Christian Burnout”?
Holiday Replay: Christians must either HATCH or go bad!
Why do we do what we later REGRET? Here’s how God’s Son sets us FREE!
If an American CHRIST Awakening is near, where might it START?
What does it SOUND like when a person is TOTALLY in love with Jesus?
They say, “The STORM is coming!” If so, what will Jesus DO about it?
What DIFFERENCE can the reign of Christ make in a MEDICAL crisis?
To EXALT Christ more in YOUR life, see him exalted EVERYWHERE. (Part 2)
To EXALT Christ more in YOUR life, see him exalted EVERYWHERE. (Part 1)
Is Jesus truly ESSENTIAL? Your answer CHANGES your life forever!
WHICH candidate should I vote for? Let KING JESUS help you sort it out!
This November: What are the two MOST DECISIVE elections of all? (Part 2)
This November: What are the two MOST DECISIVE elections of all? (Part 1)
November voting: 7 GUIDELINES for Christians to keep in mind (Part 2)
November voting: 7 GUIDELINES for Christians to keep in mind (Part 1)
Critical elections soon: Does Jesus’ REIGN make any difference? (Part 2)
Critical elections soon: Does Jesus’ REIGN make any difference? (Part 1)
How to be a HAPPY, HEALTHIER Jesus follower: (3) Get NEW GAME PLANS
How to be a HAPPY, HEALTHIER Jesus follower: (2) Get NEW PATTERNS
How to be a HAPPY, HEALTHIER Jesus follower: (1) Get NEW EYES
Ready for ARMAGEDDON? Ready for the FULL DISPLAY of Jesus’ glory? (Part 2)
Ready for ARMAGEDDON? Ready for the FULL DISPLAY of Jesus’ glory? (Part 1)
NUMBERS don’t lie: How to ACT DECISIVELY now for a Christ Awakening (Part 2)
NUMBERS don’t lie: Why there’s FRESH HOPE now for a Christ Awakening (Part 1)
Hit by IAN’S FURY: How Christ’s supremacy RALLIES HOPE (Part 3)
Hit by IAN’S FURY: How Christ’s supremacy RESTORES HOPE (Part 2)
Hit by IAN’S FURY: How Christ’s supremacy REVIVES HOPE (Part 1)
American politics and Jesus’ warning of false messiahs rising
Jesus, the Webb Telescope, and your unique role in the universe
The American church is dying. Will we respond before it's too late?
National fears about Satanism and the victories of Jesus—Part 2
National fears about Satanism and the victories of Jesus—Part 1
Christian burnout? You need to EMBRACE your destiny FOR Christ!
Christian burnout? You need to COVER yourself up WITH Christ!
Christian burnout? You need to OPEN TO all your riches IN Christ!
Christian burnout? You need to SEE yourself as if you ARE Christ!
Christian burnout? You need a more GLORIOUS vision OF Christ!
The one mighty hope that can revolutionize a life, church, or nation.
There’s a deadly breach in the American church. Time to restore it!
Why live in boxes of pea-sized Christianity? Jesus has so much more!
Crack the egg and fly away! Jesus did it for me. It can happen to you!
Jesus followers face a choice: Like eggs, we either hatch or go bad.