Studies on Walking With Jesus
in the Real World

Episodes 423-517

Let David Bryant help you discover the variety of ways a vision of and a life in union with the reigning Son of God can powerfully impact how you come at the challenges, opportunities, and struggles you face every day.

Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (5) “He saved others, but he can’t save himself!”

Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (4) “Behold, this is your King!”

Jesus’ ENEMIES reveal his GLORY: (3) “This one man must die for the nation!”

THE OVERVIEW EFFECT: Outer space shows why we MUST see Jesus in a NEW way

CHRIST THE KING: Be INSPIRED by this historic DEFIANCE of all dictators

“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”: Why this hymn MUST sing in YOUR heart

“Of the Father’s Love Begotten”: From infinity to infancy to YOU!

“Jesus Christ the Apple Tree”— How is Christ glorified by a FRUIT?!

See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (5) The great HEALING begins!

See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (4) The promised KING arrives!

See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (3) God now WITH US forever!

See Christ EXALTED in Handel’s MESSIAH: (2) God’s glory fully REVEALED!

“Tidings for ALL peoples”: The Case for a Christ-created “UNIVERSALISM”

Why does the “pursuit of HAPPINESS” succeed ONLY if it takes us to JESUS?

Is there truly a CRISIS over CHRIST today to ALARM the American church?

Why does calling Jesus LORD require us to ENGAGE with the POOR around us?

A tide of UNHAPPINESS is rising in our land! JOY IN JESUS is needed now!

Which Thanksgiving Day—past, present, future—is the GREATEST to you?

Holiday Replay: The one mighty hope that can revolutionize a life, church, or nation

Why do we do what we later REGRET? Here’s how God’s Son sets us FREE!

They say, “The STORM is coming!” If so, what will Jesus DO about it?

To EXALT Christ more in YOUR life, see him exalted EVERYWHERE. (Part 2)

To EXALT Christ more in YOUR life, see him exalted EVERYWHERE. (Part 1)

WHICH candidate should I vote for? Let KING JESUS help you sort it out!

This November: What are the two MOST DECISIVE elections of all? (Part 2)

This November: What are the two MOST DECISIVE elections of all? (Part 1)

Critical elections soon: Does Jesus’ REIGN make any difference? (Part 2)

Critical elections soon: Does Jesus’ REIGN make any difference? (Part 1)

Ready for ARMAGEDDON? Ready for the FULL DISPLAY of Jesus’ glory? (Part 2)

Ready for ARMAGEDDON? Ready for the FULL DISPLAY of Jesus’ glory? (Part 1)

NUMBERS don’t lie: How to ACT DECISIVELY now for a Christ Awakening (Part 2)

NUMBERS don’t lie: Why there’s FRESH HOPE now for a Christ Awakening (Part 1)

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