
to the Message and Impact of THE CHRIST INSTITUTES

Never has there been more urgency in our land for a God-given awakening to Christ. David Bryant’s proclamation of hope in Christ is on God’s heart for this hour. His vision of the full extent of Christ’s supremacy can bring the Body of Christ together in powerfully transforming ways. We believe his message is exactly what’s needed at this critical moment in America.

from An Open Letter to the Church from 70 Christian Leaders

International President, Every Home for Christ, Colorado Springs, CO

  • I am deeply grateful that our loving Lord has called and anointed our brother, David Bryant, for a very special and strategic ministry of proclaiming Christ and His supremacy to the Church in the United States and beyond. He has given his life wholly and passionately to this great and vitally significant mission. I highly commend to you David Bryant and The Christ Institutes.

    Dr. Paul Cedar, Chairman, The Mission America Coalition
  • As someone who has spent several decades mobilizing the Church to pray, I’m convinced that the greatest need of the Church today is a fresh biblical vision of who Christ is. To meet this need, God has raised up my friend, David Bryant, with a clear prophetic word for the people of God in our day. Sitting under his teaching in The Christ Institutes is restorative and life-giving. This clear, clarion call for the Lordship of Christ is the most important voice being raised in the Church today!

    Rev. Dave Butts, Chairman, America’s National Prayer Committee President,Harvest Prayer Ministries, Terre Haute, IN
  • The time has come to do whatever it takes to magnify in new ways the exalted place of God’s Son among our people, in our ministries and throughout the land. There is no greater hope for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom within our cities. The Christ Institutes are a powerful way for us to move forward together.

    Dr. John Perkins,The John Perkins Foundation, Jackson, MS
  • No series that I’ve heard so magnifies the glories of Jesus as does The Christ Institutes. David Bryant’s lifelong passion has been to reintroduce us to Christ, reminding us that, although we know Him, we must seek to know Him better. In a world where everything that has been nailed down is being torn up, this series reminds us that the Lord Jesus Christ awaits our worship and our confidence. In this faith building series, you will be reminded of what Savonarola said before his martyrdom, “He who believes that Christ reigns above, need not fear what happens below.” Watch. Listen. Share. Worship. And when the series is over give the rest of your life to making Jesus famous in this needy world.

    Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor, The Moody Church, Chicago, IL
  • David Bryant is a prophetic voice to our generation. His passionate call to “return to Christ for all that He is” may be today’s most urgent message for every believer. How we need to heed it, and how grateful I am that he is disseminating this godly theme with such substance, depth and vitality through his outstanding website. May it impact the Church far and wide.

    John D. Beckett, Chairman, The Beckett Companies, Elyria, OH Author: Loving Monday and Mastering Monday
  • As a rudder guides a ship so the supremacy of Christ must guide His Church. I thank God for the work of David Bryant and The Christ Institutes. We live in a age when there is great confusion and misguided teaching within the Church on the person and work of Jesus Christ. David’s work in uplifting the supremacy of Christ for the Church helps me educate and challenge my congregation to pursue Christ with greater clarity and passion. We strive to be a “Christ-centered” congregation, and David’s biblical preaching and teaching help us give solid definition to that important phrase.

    Rev. Dave Butts, Chairman, America’s National Prayer Committee President,Harvest Prayer Ministries, Terre Haute, IN
  • One common absence runs throughout the life of the Christian church in our moment in history–the absence of the name and authority of Jesus Christ in our preaching, prayer and corporate worship. David Bryant calls this absence a “crisis in Christology.” In The Christ Institutes you will discover a practical, and theologically responsible, antidote to this ruinous absence. I highly commend David, and his powerful teaching, without reservation.

    Dr. John H. Armstrong, President, ACT3 Network, Carol Stream, IL Author, Your Church Is Too Small
  • My wife and I had the blessed opportunity to attend The Christ Institutes recently. I am thrilled to share, not only what it has done to solidify and reenergize our marriage (we just celebrated our 30th anniversary), but also how it has injected new spiritual energy and excitement at the prison in which I am privileged to serve. As a Correctional Chaplain at a maximum security institution, I witness the darkness and hopelessness of the incarcerated on a daily basis. However, since The Christ Institutes, the preaching of Christ as the “center and circumference” of our being has created a radical shift in the hearts and minds of many of the men that worship together. And, as did the early disciples of Jesus, they are carrying the message into the entire compound. I look forward to the continued focus on the supremacy of Christ in worship, Bible Studies, discipleship classes, and all that we do in His blessed name. Christ is all!

    Reverend Larry Akins, Supervisor of Chaplaincy Services East Jersey State Prison, Rahway, NJ
  • I highly recommend The Christ Institutes produced by David Bryant. As Proclaim Hope!’s president, for many years David has signed all his written communications with: “Christ Is All!” Intent on proclaiming the full extent of Christ’s supremacy David has now developed The Christ Institutes. With over 2000 PowerPoint slides as well as a full course on the Biblical picture of the majesty of God’s Son they feature David’s exceptional gift of teaching. Don’t miss it!

    Dr. John E. Kyle, missionary statesman, Monroe, NC (former director:Wycliffe Bible Translators; InterVarsity Missions; Mission To The World)
  • In the last decade one person has been most used by God in my life to lift up the supremacy of Christ as Lord. That person is David Bryant. He has done so through his passion and faith in Christ, shared through personal conversations, strategic planning events, seminars, books and now by The Christ Institutes. Through David, God has provided special resources for our individual nurture, congregational renewal, and Kingdom of God transformation. Jesus is supreme and Lord. It is time for an awakening to Christ within us and among all of God’s people.

    Dr. Jerry Kirk, founder, PureHOPE, Cincinnati. OH Author, Following Jesus Together: 40 Day Prayer Covenant
  • At more youth camps than I can count, I have moved around cabins at the break of day, waking up the teenage boys. In our day, the Father is doing something similar. He is waking up individuals and churches to the supreme majesty of His beloved Son. When He got ready to wake me up, He sent David Bryant to my cabin. In the power of the Spirit, David gently shook me awake and I will never be the same. My joyful awakening to the Son has splashed all over my family, my seminary students, those who hear me speak, and those who read my books. In fact, now I am watching David Bryant’s “grandchildren” become agents of awakening in their own spheres of influence. All that our hearts long for in our homes, churches, and world . . . begins with a Christ awakening. Thus, it is impossible to be “too busy” to absorb the teaching the Father has given David about the glorious Son. I commend his teaching to all.

    Richard Ross, PhD, professor of student ministry Southwestern Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX www.RichardARoss.com
  • The Christ Institutes – I attended, I was inspired, I was saturated! Our message is not about Christ it “is Christ.” The “Stone” that the religious strategists have often neglected and left on the planning table is the “Chief Cornerstone.” Church history indicates that when the pendulum swings away from the “truth”, God raises up a voice in the wilderness of church stuff. “Behold My Son in Whom I am well pleased.” It fills the Father’s heart with joy when we honor, extol, and proclaim the glories of His only Son. Having been the founder and leader in the Concerts of Prayer Movement, God has now anointed David to call the church back to its central message, “Christ Alone.”

    Rev. Dr. Robert Johansson, Lead Pastor, Evangel Church and School Chairman, Concerts of Prayer Greater New York, New York City
  • David Bryant’s message on the Supremacy of Christ comes at an important juncture in American and world history. We need this transcendent view of Jesus to interpret and navigate the ocean of uncertainty in our world today.

    Dr. Mac Pier, CEO, The NYC Leadership Center, New York City
  • The thirty five Christian leaders from the Pacific Northwest who joined me at The Christ Institute were immersed in the supreme nature and deeds of the Lord Jesus Christ. David Bryant didn’t just present what he has learned about Christ during his 40 years of studying and seeking Christ. Rather, he “engaged” us in Christ’s greatness. We were “stunned” about all Christ is through Scripture passages, quotes and insights David presented, and through our times of small group discussion, praise and prayer. We gained a greater passion for Christ, who is ALL and is in ALL. It was the most impactful Christian gathering I’ve ever been part of. I am eager for many more to attend our second round of The Christ Institutes.

    Steve Hall, staff leader, International Renewal Ministries, Belhaven, WA
  • I’m a TCI fan! Before we rally people to the global PURPOSE of Christ, we want to ensure that every World Christian in Northwest Arkansas is first and foremost zealous (and jealous!) for the PERSON of Christ. What better way to “brand” the name of Jesus Christ on our hearts and over everything we do than to be saturated and inundated with over a dozen hours of The Christ Institutes’ teaching on the supremacy of God’s Son. The expression, “drinking out of a fire hydrant” doesn’t do it justice. It is more like “taking a shower under Niagara Falls!” It sticks with you. We’ve had other worthwhile training times that seem to have faded like the face of Moses, but these insights seem to make the light brighter as we reflect on all we have learned about King Jesus.

    Matt Burns, Global Outfitters, Fayetteville, AR
  • There are times when God uses a particular truth to shape the DNA of a life and ministry. Here at Life Action and all of its various arms of ministry, David Bryant’s definition of revival as “A Joyful Return to the Supremacy of God’s Son” has penetrated how we define who we are and what we do. And the phrase “Christ is All” has become indispensable to defining our focus, motivation and definition of success. We even altered our mission statement to match our heart-commitment that the spiritual awakening we seek be truly a Christ-awakening.

    Byron Paulus, Executive Director, Life Action Ministries, Niles, MI
  • Twenty five years ago, influenced by David Bryant’s ministry, “Christ Is All!” became the banner to our church planting work in the former Soviet Union. As the years passed, our sight of Christ was blurred by our human efforts, our strategic plans, church bureaucracy and politics, and our human frailties. Recently, The Christ Institutes, literally filled with the hope and power of Christ, snapped me back to a full and renewed vision of Christ’s undeniable purpose, power and plan. David Bryant’s passion for Christ’s supremacy has never wavered nor diminished. It is wonderfully contagious and transforming for Christ’s glory.

    Rich Correll, President, Church Planters’ Training International, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • The Christ Institutes will renew and reinvigorate your faith as David paints a vivid and vital picture of the supremacy of Christ, high and lifted up, exalted to His rightful place in your heart and among the churches. What a great delight for the soul it is to spend time in The Christ Institutes contemplating His Glory!

    John and Sharon Poole, co-founders, The Newton Group, Inc., Summit, NJ
  • I love David Bryant. I love that his heart-compass always points to the exaltation of Jesus Christ. I love that he is not captive to peripheral doctrines, but that his soul is captured by the glory and supremacy of Christ. I hole-heartedly endorse this unique man of God and the irresistible magnetism of his obsession.

    Francis Frangipane, founder/director, In Christ’s Image Training online school Author of numerous books, including: The Three Battlegrounds and Holiness, and Truth and The Presence of God
  • Because of David Bryant’s obedience to God’s call on his life to help Christ’s church see Christ more fully for who He is right now and what He is doing right now, I personally have been deeply enriched in my walk with Christ. I believe our congregation has a much deeper and fuller understanding of Jesus Christ, our reigning King over the universe. Two years of preaching through the book of the Revelation only further verified as true what David has been declaring about the supremacy of Jesus Christ our Lord. May the message of The Christ Institutes continue to spread broadly and deeply.

    Rev. Dan Folden, Senior Pastor, New Heights Christian Church, Kent, WA
  • The Christ Institute was a time of transformation and revelation for us. The Son of the Living God became our breath and our life. Even as the Scripture says that He became the first Son, we realize that we too have Jesus in us, the hope of glory, which is all that God is. He was the first Son, and now there are millions of us with the same capacity to have Jesus living through us. It is Colossians 1:27 that says “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” At TCI, hour after hour, living waters of truth connected earth and heaven to this glorious Savior. He has become a daily reality in every thought and every breath of our lives.

    Jerry and Judy Ball, founders, Breaker of Dawn Ministries, International, Troutman, NC
  • The message of Christ’s supremacy is vital because it is the word of hope for the world, the church, and for us individually. This is the message of The Christ Institutes. Our dear friend David Bryant is so personally captivated by the risen, present,here-and-now Jesus that spending time with him spurs us on in hope and confidence in Jesus as the Messiah Who reigns as the answer for the world’s many needs. We are reminded to keep our eyes on Who Jesus is and what He is up to, rather than how He can fit in to our lives. We have seen encouraging signs of Jesus’ presence in our own lives and gained hopeful perspectives on His Kingdom’s mighty advance globally. The message of the supremacy of Christ is the truth that says that lives matter, bondage is broken, and the future is more than just tolerable. Our hope is in Him and we want to encourage one another to know the Person of Jesus, Who holds all the answers. Right now, we are grateful to see 40 plus churches in the state of Connecticut coming together for a 40-day fasting and prayer period with this commitment: “The Body of Christ across Connecticut EXALTING JESUS AS LORD, pursuing one common goal: To see our state transformed by the love and power of Jesus Christ.”.

    Dan and Joanne Dorrow, FX Market Strategist and Mental Health Therapist, Old Greenwich, CT
  • I first encountered a serious challenge in my life when I met David Bryant and read Christ is All! in 2008. Since that time I have transitioned our company from the DFW metropolitan area to a small rural town in Southeastern Colorado. The impact of CIA and David’s passion for the supremacy of Christ led us to host The Christ Institute here. The time we spent together exploring the depths and significance of Christ’s supremacy were invaluable. As a community of faith we were challenged and encouraged. And, I think more than that we were given some common experience and language around which to gather and pray for a Christ Awakening here. I am forever blessed by my association with these truths.

    Bill Burnett, Nomad Group LLC, Rye, CO
  • We have known David and Robyne Bryant for 30 years; their life together has been totally committed to calling the Church worldwide to prayer and to glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ. They are blessed with a patient, strong, persistent appeal to the Body to press on to know the Lord in a deeper personal way, while honoring Him as our Lord and King. The teaching in The Christ Institutes is the newest way that has opened to them to share the same Truth. The teaching is scriptural, relevant and personal, and continues to be available to anyone who wants to know more.

    Dr./Mrs. Roy and Toni Horras, lay leaders, Judson aBaptist Church, Oak Park, IL
  • By the end of the first session of The Christ Institutes, communicated so exceptionally, my heart and mind became fixed on the experience of engagement with Christ. Christ our Lord was the sole figure of every thought shared, every word expressed. By the end of all the sessions, I felt saturated with the knowledge of Him. For me it was the reminder of all the truths about Jesus Christ that have drawn me to Him for over fifty years . . . all the revelations of Himself that were made personal to me in my journey with Him . . . all the reasons why it should be natural for every human being to know Him as Creator, Shepherd, Lord, Master and coming King. This study exalts Christ in greater measure than any I have ever attended. It lifts Him up with every detail that touches the human heart, and inspires us as followers to surrender totally to His Lordship and His guidance – to become His ambassadors and servants. I believe every follower of Christ should have access to TCI’s Spirit-empowered exaltation of Jesus Christ. Being at The Christ Institute was like being in the “hush of Heaven”, saying: “BEHOLD, THE MAN!”

    Lois Ewald, President/Director, Hepzibah House Inc., New York City
  • Jesus Christ’s beauty, love, grace, authority, and compassion supersedes anything and everything the human race has ever witnessed. David Bryant generously presented a synopsis of The Christ Institutes‘ emphasis on the exaltation of Jesus Christ to students involved in our ministry at Princeton University to riveting effect. I praise God for David’s passion to bring honor and praise to the incomparable savior of the world.

    Matthew W. Bennett, Founder and President, Christian Union
  • I’ve been involved in CityReaching/Community Transformation ministry for over 2 decades. I’ve become convinced that if the whole church is to be sufficiently mobilized to take the whole Gospel to the whole city, we must first help God’s people rediscover and experience the wonder of the person, position, power and presence of our Lord Christ and become newly impassioned for Him. Nothing I’ve seen or personally experienced can accomplish this more effectively or more practically then The Christ Institutes. I could not be more committed to David’s vision and message of the supremacy of God’s Son as vital to unlocking the city impact we all pray for. I urge you to attend The Christ Institute and bring your city leadership with you.

    Jarvis C. Ward, National Facilitator City/Community Ministries, Mission America Coalition www.cityreaching.com
  • The Christ Institutes offer an experience each of us needs to have to keep the focus of our ministries on Jesus. Every time I prepare a message I remember David’s observation as he walks the foyers of many churches he visits. Not hearing the name of Jesus mentioned is a frightening thought in the very churches built in His name. My ears and my heart search for Him at our church every service.

    Dr. Daniel Mercaldo, Senior Pastor Church at the Gateway, Staten Island,New York
  • With The Christ Institutes, David Bryant drives home the central and enduring truth that Christ is All! If you long for an awakening, a true revival that sees transformation in our families, communities, nations and the world, then the message and the application of Christ’s supremacy is paramount. Let us join with David in embracing and proclaiming this truth and expecting just such an awakening.


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