The Christ Institutes Video Series (TCI) were originally conducted by David Bryant as live, 48-hour intensives. They have been endorsed by a cross-section of respected Christian leaders. With compelling teaching, creative visuals and clear applications, TCI maintains a consistently singular focus on the majesty and supremacy of God’s Son today.
Participants will experience a life-changing journey into more of the greatness and glory of Christ, what TCI calls a “Christ Awakening.” Choose to experience TCI at your own pace; or by leading a group through nine weeks using the nine 70-minute videos; or by signing up for the free 55-day email and video series. A Participant Guide is included.
To the right are two-minute video clips where David provides you an overview of the focus and content of each one of the nine sessions.
Begin, however, by viewing the short presentation below, where David presents a valuable synopsis of the overall experience offered by The Christ Institutes Video Series.
The Christ Institute Sessions
Session 4 Overview – Who Christ is OVER us…now
Throughout this session David establishes how Christ is supreme-to-the-max as the King of the universe, the Ruler of history, the Lord of the nations, Conqueror of evil forces, and the Master of our lives.
Preeminently, Jesus reigns as the Head of the Church, which is “the fullness of him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1). In fact, he “ascended above the heavens that He might fill the whole universe” (Ephesians 4).
Jesus is over all because God the Father has “rescued us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves [because he is] the firstborn over all creation … firstborn from among the dead … head of the body, the Church; [because he has] reconciled all things whether things on earth or things in heaven, making peace by His blood shed on the cross” (Colossians 1:13,15,18,20).
Christ's on-going reign in Heaven and earth assures the fulfillment of God’s purposes now and for all ages, through Christ supreme.