The Christ Institutes Video Series (TCI) were originally conducted by David Bryant as live, 48-hour intensives. They have been endorsed by a cross-section of respected Christian leaders. With compelling teaching, creative visuals and clear applications, TCI maintains a consistently singular focus on the majesty and supremacy of God’s Son today.
Participants will experience a life-changing journey into more of the greatness and glory of Christ, what TCI calls a “Christ Awakening.” Choose to experience TCI at your own pace; or by leading a group through nine weeks using the nine 70-minute videos; or by signing up for the free 55-day email and video series. A Participant Guide is included.
To the right are two-minute video clips where David provides you an overview of the focus and content of each one of the nine sessions.
Begin, however, by viewing the short presentation below, where David presents a valuable synopsis of the overall experience offered by The Christ Institutes Video Series.
The Christ Institute Sessions
Session 3 Overview – Who Christ is FOR us…now
In this session, David covers Jesus’ four-fold revolution: incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension. Concerning his incarnation we read in Colossians 1, “God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him” (vs. 19).
He became one of us, for us. His supremacy became visible through the totality of his earthly ministry, including his righteous life as he kept the Law perfectly on our behalf. Then, in his flesh he offered himself for us by his redemptive, sacrificial crucifixion, followed by his victorious resurrection to conquer death – for us.
We read in Colossians 1, “through him (the Father) reconciled to Himself all things … through his (the Son’s) blood … through whom we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of our sins”. But then, he ascended to the right hand of the Father.
So that what he will be Lord of ultimately he is lord of right now. The ascension is essential for the redemptive revolution Christ has accomplished for us. And so our eternal destiny is based on the redeeming work of Christ supreme – for us. It is totally sufficient.