Session 1 lays the foundation for the other eight sessions to come. During this teaching, David Bryant introduces participants to what the “supremacy of Christ” actually means and how that relates to everything going on around us today.
He also uncovers what many believe to be the greatest crisis facing the Church today – the sobering shortfall among multitudes of Christians in their vision for the greatness and glory, the majesty and reign of God’s Son right now. It is a crisis about Christ himself. Yet, there is hope.
With the third theme of this session, David highlights an impending work of the Spirit in our generation using God’s Word to reintroduce God’s people to God’s Son for ALL he is. The prospects of a “Christ Awakening” leave participants with great expectations for what the Father is getting ready to do.
All three themes are revisited in greater detail throughout the next eight sessions.
The Christ Institute Sessions
Video 1:1 – How will The Christ Institutes facilitate my Journey?
Bible Focus:
"When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?'” - Luke 24:30-32
After Completing Your Video:
Pause: Spend a minute in silence, reflecting on today’s teaching. What was the most meaningful part for you? How did it speak to you?
Reflect: In what ways did today's teaching video help you see and think about God's Son in newer or fresher or larger terms?
Apply: What one next step should today's teaching encourage you to take in your daily walk with our supreme King, the Lord Jesus Christ?
Pray: If you were standing before Jesus on His throne right now, based on today's teaching what one thing would you like to say to the Father to express to Him your praise and gratitude for who His Son is right now?