Video Clips About Christ

Short video clips to refresh your walk with him

There are many books available filled with brief meditations, each designed to refresh its readers daily.

In a similar way, the overriding goal of these short video clips is to “refresh” you with more of the wonders of God’s Son. They explore aspects of our Savior and reigning King, some of which you may not have considered before. In only a minute or two, one clip can help you know him better and want to pursue more of who he is TODAY.

Be renewed with Jesus’ awesomeness! As the Psalmist urges us, “Taste and see that the Lord [Jesus] is good. Blessed [refreshed] is everyone who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34). Enjoy!

Jesus Is Supreme Over All Creation

The Coronation of a King

Christ Is Risen! Christ Is Victor!

Transforming Your Prayer Life

Our Savior and Our Judge

Heaven’s Optometrist

What World History Is All About

Costly Compassion

Jesus Ascended!

Jesus Is Already There!

The Greatest Miracle

We Need an Ascension Reformation!

Jesus Is God’s Glory

Let Jesus Work Through You

Jesus Is NOT Just Sitting Around Waiting!

Why Religious Leaders Crucified Jesus

The Church Is Like a Hypodermic Needle??


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