Believers Unite in a Powerful Prayer
for Christ’s Reign to Be Revealed
In this guest blog post, Steve Hall shares a written prayer he’s been offering to the Lord. When you read it, I’m sure you’ll agree that all of us should join him!
But why did Steve feel compelled to address these requests to the Father in the first place?
A few days ago, David Bryant interviewed him to find out. Steve’s answers are not only inspiring but add depth to the words of the prayer itself.
Steve Hall has been a force for Christ, praying for and working towards a Christ Awakening in the Pacific Northwest for decades. For much of that time, he has focused on encouraging and training Christian leaders, including leading dozens of Pastor Prayer Summits.
The Interview
David Bryant: Why does the Church AND our nation need to pray right now in the way this prayer is focused?
Steve Hall: Many individuals and families who attend churches are “distracted” by so many priorities—Jesus is often not really our first love.
We are exhausted and desperately need hope—and help. Many of our young people have turned away from a relationship with Jesus. Church attendance has dwindled, and many congregations are not being led by the true Word of God.
We are not sharing the transforming love and power of Jesus with each other, let alone with the unsaved people we know.
Our nation urgently needs this kind of praying because anti-Christ influences are rampant throughout every sector of our population.
People do not see and hear the necessity of Christ. The mention of Christ has left the public places—businesses, schools, justice, and government. The morals of so many people have become exceedingly ungodly.
Our media often does not report/proclaim the truth; in fact, the truth throughout society is often perverted.
Many do not fear or honor God. Violence, lawlessness, and anger are epidemic. Political, economic, and social chaos is growing. Safety, security, and unity are declining in many communities. Hopelessness abounds.
And much of this has found its way into the Body of Christ throughout America. There seems to be little about Christians that contrasts with the moral and spiritual spiral downward trends we see everywhere.
If the reign of the living Lord Jesus Christ is not revealed throughout our land and among God’s people in new and powerful ways, what other hope do we have?
David Bryant: What, then, do you see as the most important issues to focus on in our prayers for this revelation—this fresh awakening to Christ in the fullness of his supremacy?
Steve Hall: Throughout the past 2000 years, there has been only one hope (solution, answer) to ALL of mankind’s needs—Jesus himself!
The whole Word of God gloriously proclaims all Christ is today and all His followers have become in Him.
Know Jesus. Know truth. No Jesus. No truth.
Know Jesus, know hope. No Jesus, no hope—and so on.
Jesus told His followers in John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” If there was ever a time in the history of the United States of America when ALL people desperately need to be consumed with LIFE in Jesus and life under the reign of Jesus, it is NOW!
Together, believers across our land must fix our eyes upon the absolute greatness of Christ, submit wholly to His reign over us, and become fully involved in His forcefully advancing Kingdom of saving grace, Spirit-infused righteousness, and unwavering justice.
To that end, we must pour out our prayers to the Throne of God.
David Bryant: Why did you feel compelled to compose this particular prayer?
Steve Hall: I rejoice that much prayer is already happening in many parts of the Church in our nation.
At the same time, I believe the foundation of our prayers must be on the resurrected, ascended, reigning Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said in Matthew 16:18: “Upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
I can only imagine how the Father might accelerate the building of His Church (and His kingdom) if multitudes of believers across our nation chose to unite in regularly praying along this line—for a greater revelation of the glory and supremacy of Christ—creating continuous worship of His unlimited greatness as our King and leading us into an intimate love relationship with Him and into life found in the fullness of Jesus.
I’m convinced we would see multitudes of lost people coming under Christ’s reign themselves, and the forces of darkness would be overcome by Christ and His redemption shining like a light everywhere!
Many might even dare to call this what you, David, would call it—an “American CHRIST Awakening!”
David Bryant: What do you want us to do with this prayer right now?
Steve Hall: I am envisioning that individual believers will pray this prayer privately daily, maybe as a way to begin their day.
My dream expands, however, to groups of believers praying it during their worship and/or prayer times throughout all of 2024—knowing that they join with congregations doing so from coast to coast.
If the parts of this prayer are truly what is on the Father’s heart for the Church and all the people of our nation—if it’s what he desires for us RIGHT NOW—then it seems like all we’re doing is coming into agreement about the agenda of this prayer and obeying what Jesus told us to do in Matthew 7:7-8:
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
As we press forward with these requests with persistence, in oneness of heart and mind, fervently united in this overriding cry—“Delay no longer: Let the reign of Christ be revealed!”—then we can rest in the promise of Jesus in John 14:13: “I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.”
David Bryant: Thank you, Steve. This has been very helpful. I look forward to joining with you and many others in seeking God’s face for nothing less than a fresh revelation of Jesus’ saving reign throughout America, bringing about a Christward revolution from top to bottom. The time has come!
Believers Unite in a Powerful Prayer
for Christ’s Reign to Be Revealed
Our Father in Heaven:
May Your Spirit reveal more and more of the
Lord Jesus Christ to the whole Church.
Incite us to worship Christ at all times
for His incomparable greatness!
Consume us with passion to know Him intimately
and love Him with all our hearts.
Help us to live LIFE TO THE FULL in Jesus.
He is our Redeemer, Healer, Shepherd, Prince of Peace—
our ALL!
May King Jesus reign supremely over us,
and may His reign extend to those who have
so far resisted His saving power.
May all forces of darkness be overcome by Christ’s mighty hand,
and may His brilliant light shine everywhere!
We pray these things in the glorious name of Jesus.
Join Steve, David, and believers from coast to coast for monthly Zoom prayer events in 2024. See the information below and then visit the new homepage of to sign up.
Monthly Zoom Prayer Gatherings
for an American CHRIST Awakening
Join with hope-filled Jesus followers from coast to coast in 60 minutes of worship and dynamic, concerted prayer for a Christward revolution in our nation. Come to pray or come to listen to others pray. We meet from 8-9 p.m. (ET) on the third Thursday of each month. Sign up today! We’ll alert you to each BREAKTHROUGH! event and send the Zoom link for that month to your inbox.
About the Authors
Over the past 50 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ Awakening movements. Order his widely read books at Enjoy his regular Daily CHRIST TODAY Podcast.