We Need to Put On Our King Jesus Glasses!
(Part Two)

We Need to Put On
Our King Jesus Glasses!

(Part Two)

[Editor’s Note: In Part 1, David Bryant concluded: “Christians believe in Jesus Christ not only because we see him ascended and active as Lord of all, but because we see everything else in the universe as it really is through the lens of his spectacular supremacy.” Now in Part 2, he explores the extraordinary spiritual riches this perspective on Jesus brings to everyone who belongs to Jesus.]

It appears that Google Corporation believes in the value of giving people dual vision. I’m referring to their recent pioneering technology labeled “Google Glass.”

This groundbreaking device offers customers an optical head-mounted display (OHMD) that provides them with what Google calls a “ubiquitous computer.” That’s because these glasses can display the same data one can retrieve with a smartphone, but now in a hands-free format.

Using voice commands, wearers have instant access to billions of pieces of information from anywhere in the world, displayed right before their eyes. On the other hand, at the very same time, a person can continue looking through the glasses at whatever is going on directly in front of them.

The Preeminent Blessing of Dual Vision

In a parallel sense, “King Jesus Glasses” (which we introduced in Part 1) allow us Christians to look at immediate experiences surrounding our everyday lives while at the same time interpreting all of that within the broader themes of the current reign of Christ. They help us discern more accurately what he’s up to globally and how we fit into it locally.

In other words, wearing King Jesus Glasses should inspire us to interact with everything we do daily—conversing, shopping, commuting, eating, playing, praying—by simultaneously putting all such actions into the larger context of what Scripture teaches about Christ’s kingdom strategy currently unfolding throughout nations and across generations—a continual advance in which each believer has a part.

This approach requires us to enter into every hour of every day—planning family schedules, meeting friends for coffee, making job decisions, supporting political candidates—with Christ’s redemptive purposes shaping our priorities.

Our current walk with Christ remains inseparably interconnected with his reconciling activities among all of earth’s people—with his routing of evil powers and setting captives free everywhere; with his building and deploying of the Church for the evangelization of the world; with his interaction with people and situations right where we live.

Have you noticed how practical all of this dual-vision stuff is? Implementing a dual-vision approach is how we join Jesus every moment in maximizing our role in the unmatchable drama of his kingly endeavors.

Bottom line: The more clearly we see God’s Son for all he is—ascending to new vistas of Jesus as Lord and then beholding everything else through what we discover about Jesus as Lord—the more we will rest in him and trust in him and follow him, as well as serve him wholeheartedly in our current situations, moment by moment.

From the instant he invites a believer to follow him, Jesus intends to weave each of us into his own continuing story more and more and more—to involve us in its enthralling, flourishing, ever-amazing, ever-expanding plotline.

At the end of the day, he intends for his story to become our story too.

Simply put, as God’s Reborn, we should view all of our existence, as well as everyone around us, from Christ’s perspective. Even more biblically, we should view all of it through Christ himself—gazing in all directions through his enthronement and triumphs.

That is precisely the request of ancient Celtic Christians when they prayed (what we now sing):

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art . . .
Heart of my own heart, whate’er befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

Healing Our Impaired Eyesight Once and For All

Not long ago, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Pediatrics jointly expressed growing concern about children living in poverty in the United States. Unlike offspring of the wealthy, these impoverished little ones often don’t receive comprehensive vision screening, which should be administered for the first time around the age of three.

Consequently, across America, there are millions of underachieving children in our schools who are tired and irritable, often holding back in embarrassed silence, frequently disheartened by the ridicule of their peers—simply because they can’t see the chalkboard or projection screen, or for that matter, the words in their textbooks.

The grievous fallout is that many won’t graduate. That means many will remain trapped in a cycle of poverty for the rest of their lives, leaving some with irreparable cornea damage after further years of neglect.

This tragedy happens because no one took the time to uncover their marginal vision and then provide them with a pair of inexpensive, corrective glasses—glasses readily available and frequently free to the poor through philanthropic grants, if only they knew.

With that grim reality as a backdrop, consider a similar tragedy—Jesus’ diagnosis of the infamous Laodicean church in Revelation 3:

You don’t realize how pitiful and miserable you have become. You are poor, blind and naked. So here’s my advice . . . Buy from me healing lotion to put on your eyes. Then you will be able to see. I warn and correct those I love . . . (Revelation 3, NIRV, emphasis added).

How his heart broke over this soulfully impoverished, visually impaired congregation! Listen to his aching appeal to one little group of believers (and through them to all of us) to let him heal their vision so they might realize how desperately they needed Christ in his fullness to be manifested among them once again.

I wonder: What would be his diagnosis of the eyesight of your church?

How would he critique the sharpness of your view of his royal majesty?

Would he recommend the immediate application of restorative eye salve for you?

If we believers would be honest with each other, how many millions of us today would confess we are sick and tired of living with this persistently debilitating Christological myopia? How many of us would admit we find ourselves growing increasingly desperate for a drastic change?

How many of us across the Body of Christ have finally reached the point where we are determined to do whatever it takes to search for and start wearing our King Jesus Glasses? To start enjoying the manifold blessings that come from faithfully looking at Jesus for all he is as well as looking through Jesus at all that life is?

If you’re ready to be healed, then the tools and resources that www.ChristNow.com offers may be just what the doctor ordered! Explore the expansiveness of insights into the person of Christ that this one site opens up to us through its host of icons.

Begin today to put on your King Jesus Glasses so you can get a sharper and stronger vision of who Jesus is right now!

NOTE: This blog originally posted on August 17, 2016. But its focus and content are more relevant now than when it was first published.

About the Author

Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to ChristNow.com and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely read books at DavidBryantBooks.com. Enjoy his regular CHRIST TODAY podcast.

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1 Comment
  1. John Campbell 9 years ago

    Thank you and Amen!!!

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