September 11, 2001, made it clear. Never has there been a greater need in our land for a God-given awakening to Christ. Therefore, as a company of Christian leaders, we are writing to commend PROCLAIM HOPE! to you, the newly launched renewal outreach from David Bryant. We believe God’s timing on this is perfect.
For nearly 20 years, David Bryant’s commitment to the national and international prayer movement has been a driving force—through the Lausanne Committee, Concerts of Prayer International, and more recently, the National Prayer Committee and Mission America.
However, from the very beginning, David’s vision has always been to see an initiative in the Church that ushers in fresh awakenings to the person of Jesus Christ. At this crisis hour, it is urgent that his emphasis be brought to the forefront.
PROCLAIM HOPE!—What’s in a name? Those of us who know David understand that his life’s message has always revolved around much more than the prayer movement. Ground zero for David remains HOPE—hope centered on the supremacy of Christ in all things.
Today, the Spirit is increasingly speaking this vital hope into the Church worldwide. We concur with David that God is preparing many Christians to be “reconverted” (as it were) to Christ’s centrality at much deeper levels in their lives and ministries. Prayer is at the heart of renewal, but it is not an end in itself. Rather, the object of our praying—Jesus Christ—must now be lifted up. The fullness of his reign must be proclaimed with renewed passion to believers everywhere.
Our conviction is that PROCLAIM HOPE! has been raised up to accelerate this emphasis with strategic impact.
What’s in a messenger? God has always called out agents of renewal at a specific time, with a special message, to meet the need of the hour. Surely, David Bryant’s proclamation of hope in Christ is on God’s heart for this hour and this place. David’s biblical vision of Christ, of the full extent of his supremacy, can bring the Body of Christ together in powerfully transforming ways. We believe both his message and his newest ministry direction are urgently needed at this critical moment in America.
In light of this, we are asking one thing of everyone:
Let’s get David Bryant before our people. How can you do this? Advocate for David’s ministry among your own constituencies. Bring David in to work with your leadership. Give him the opportunity to cast his vision of Christ at major events and conferences. Invite him to special citywide gatherings. Open a door for him to deliver his Christ-exalting message of hope to God’s people where you serve. Let’s prepare a way for all the Holy Spirit wants to do through David and PROCLAIM HOPE!
May God raise up an army of Christian leaders to stand with David Bryant as we give priority (in David’s words) to “Proclaim Christ’s supremacy! Awaken hope fully! Empower the Church!” Please join us today in this timely mission.
Sincerely in Christ,
Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie
U. S. Senate
Dr. John Perkins
John F. Perkins Foundation
Dr. Luis Palau
Luis Palau Evangelistic Assoc.
Bishop George McKinney, Ph.D.
General Board Member
Church of God in Christ
Dr. Bill Bright
Campus Crusade for Christ International
Dr. Jack Hayford
Founding Pastor
Church on the Way/Los Angeles
Commissioner John Busby
National Commander (Retired)
The Salvation Army
Dr. Tom Phillips
Vice Pres./Training
Billy Graham Evangelistic Assoc.
Dr. Roger Cross
Youth for Christ/USA
Dr. John Maxwell
INJOY Ministries
Dr. Paul Cedar
Mission America
Mr. Roland Hinz
Hi-Torque Publications
Dr. Ted Engstrom
President Emeritus
World Vision International
Dr. Max Lucado
Senior Pastor
Oak Hills Church of Christ/San Antonio
Dr. Dick Eastman
International President
Every Home for Christ
Dr. Erwin Lutzer
Senior Pastor
Moody Church/Chicago
Dr. Corinthia Boone
Together in Ministry International
Dr. Robert Coleman
Distinguished Prof. Evangelism &
Discipleship, Gordon-Conwell Seminary
Lonnie Allison
Billy Graham Center
Mr. Jonathan Graf
PRAY! Magazine/NavPress
Dr. Ted Noble
Greater Europe Mission
Mrs. Kay Arthur
Speaker and Author
Precept Ministries
Dr. John Armstrong
Reformation & Revival Ministries
Dr. John Kyle
Senior Vice President
Evangelical Foreign Missions Assoc.
Dr. Luis Bush
(former) International Director
AD2000 and Beyond Movement
Mr. Paul Fleischmann
Executive Director
Nat’l. Network of Youth Ministries
Rev. Paul McKaughan
Evangelical Foreign Missions Assoc.
Mr. Alan Andrews
U. S. President
The Navigators
Dr. Roger Parrott
Belhaven University
Rev. Dale Schlafer
National Revival Network
Mrs. Evelyn Christenson
Evelyn Christenson Ministries
Mr. Wayne Pederson
Chief Operating Officer
Mission America Coalition
Dr. Jack Dennison
CitiReach International
Dr. Tony Evans
The Urban Alternative
Dr. Raleigh Washington
Executive Vice President
Promise Keepers Global Ministries
Dr. Raimundo Jiménez
Hispanic Christian Community Network
Coach Bill McCartney
Promise Keepers
Dr. Keith Phillips
World Impact
Mr. Mike Aldrich
Fourteen Four Group
Dr. Ron Sider
Evangelicals for Social Action
Mr. Gary Bergel
Intercessors for America
Mr. Jim Weidmann
Vice Chairman
National Day of Prayer Task Force
Dr. Bruce Wilkinson
Walk Thru the Bible Ministries
Rev. David Butts
Harvest Prayer Ministries
Dr. Ralph Winter
Founder/General Director
U. S. Center for World Mission
Mrs. Joni Eareckson-Tada
Joni and Friends Ministries
Dr. Dal Shealy
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Dr. Stephen Macchia
Vision New England
Dr. Eddie Fox
Executive Director
World Methodist Council
Dr. Ben Patterson
Dean of Chapel
Westmont College
Dr. Ron Hutchcraft
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries
Dr. Don Argue
Northwest College
Dr. Leighton Ford
Leighton Ford Ministries
Dr. Norval Hadley
Executive Director (retired)
Evangelical Friends Mission
Dr. Negiel Bigpond
Executive Director
Native American Prayer Circle
Dr. Barry St. Clair
Reach Out Youth Solutions
Dr. Robert Bakke
Executive Director
National Prayer Advance
Dr. Jerry Kirk
Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families
Dr. Robert Ricker
Baptist General Conference
Rev. Eddie Smith
Executive Director
U. S. Prayer Center
Mr. Richard Griggs
Founding Partner
Benefit Service Co.
Dr. Stephen Goold
Senior Pastor
Crystal Evangelical Free Church/Minneapolis
Dr. Glenn Sheppard
International Prayer Ministries
Mrs. Fern Nichols
Moms in Touch International
Rev. Francis Frangipane
Advancing Church Ministries
Rev. William Hamel
Evangelical Free Church of America
Rev. Nathaniel Linsey
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Mrs. Barbara Byerly
Springs Harvest Fellowship
Mr. John Beckett
R. W. Beckett Corporation
Dr. Charles Crabtree
Senior Vice President
Assembly of God