Life is a journey for everyone. For all who have trusted God’s Son for life eternal and life in all its fullness, we not only follow Christ but also the destination of our journey takes us into more of Christ.
As one Christian described the process for himself: “I want to know Christ…Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:10-14)
That’s a good picture of a “Christ Awakening Journey”—the pursuit of more of Christ because the Holy Spirit awakens us to fresh dimensions of the supreme Jesus we had not seen before. As the Bible says to all believers: “Wake up sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:14)
Below are a number of free opportunities for you to explore and experience more of what this Christ Awakening journey can mean for you.
If you’ve never heard of a Christ Awakening, you can learn more here.
Choose the approach that best fits you:
Watch The Christ Institutes Video Series at your own pace
With compelling teaching, creative visuals, and clear applications, The Christ Institutes Video Series explores major themes on what the supremacy of Christ means for you today. You can watch the videos at your own pace, individually or with a group. The nine videos will expand your vision of Christ by looking at who Christ is TO us, FOR us, OVER us, BEFORE us, WITHIN us, THROUGH us, and UPON us. You won’t see Christ in the same way again. A Participant Guide is included.
55-Day Christ Awakening Journey Series
SIGN UP for this free, guided 55-session email-with-video series that draws on sequenced segments from The Christ Institutes Video Series. Every two days you will receive a video clip and email to help you spend 15-25 minutes with the Lord Jesus Christ learning more and more about his spectacular supremacy. Designed for those who want to journey at a more relaxed pace, this option allows an additional day between video clips so that you have time to watch it and reflect on its message before receiving the next one. There are 55 video clips and emails altogether.
Names of Christ Devotional
This is a daily reminder email that links you to the Devotions page so you can focus on a different name of Christ every day of the year. The devotions are taken from the book I Want to Know More of Christ by Steve Hall. Both audio and text versions are available on the Devotions page.
Christ Now Blog
Do you want to hear more about the supremacy of Christ, Christ Awakenings, the current crisis about Christ in the Church, becoming Messengers of Hope, how to get the most out of, and breaking news with a perspective about Christ? The Christ Now blog publishes new posts one to three times per month.
Explore our free resources for other ways to take the Journey
In addition to the Christ Awakening email series and The Christ Institutes Video Series, this website provides resources to take you further in Christ. There are daily devotions based on the names of Christ, artwork that captures the beauty of Christ, and music videos to help you worship Christ. Take time to read the Scriptures that elevate Christ, teaching videos that explain Christ, and more. Also, explore the wonders of Christ through the growing content in our library.