Join This Coming Sunday in the Worldwide Celebration of Christ as Our King
Here I was this week, making preparations to celebrate what I thought to be the next special occasion in November—Thanksgiving Day.
Silly me.
Just a moment ago I was reminded that first we really should join with millions of Christians around the globe this Sunday (November 22) to celebrate “Christ the King Sunday.” It offers us a great way to enrich our Thanksgiving prayers by focusing us, first of all, on the person who is the greatest of all blessings!
Christ the King Sunday. Did you know it was coming? Do you know what it is actually all about? Would you like to take part? Let me fill you in.
Observed by most denominations (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant), the Sunday before the beginning of Advent is officially named “The Solemn Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.” Pretty impressive, don’t you think?
No Christian should miss out on any opportunity to make much of Christ as our king, including this coming Sunday—not when hundreds of millions of fellow believers will be celebrating with us!
Where did this holy day come from anyway?
It was launched by a decree from Pope Pius XI in 1925 and then picked up and adopted by other streams of the Church. In his decree Pius declared in no uncertain terms:
If to Christ our Lord is given all power in heaven and on earth; if all men, purchased by his precious blood, are by a new right subjected to his dominion; if this power embraces all men, it must be clear that not one of our faculties is exempt from his empire. He must reign in our minds, which should assent with perfect submission and firm belief to revealed truths and to the doctrines of Christ. He must reign in our wills, which should obey the laws and precepts of God. He must reign in our hearts, which should spurn natural desires and love God above all things, and cleave to him alone.
The fact is that this biblical vision of the reign of Christ has been the Church’s testimony for over two millennia, involving more than just special observances.
For example, countless churches around the world identify themselves with God’s Son in terms of his kingship:
- Christ the King Basilica in Reykjavik, Iceland;
- Christ the King Anglican Church in Tripoli, Libya;
- Christ the King Reformed Episcopal Church in Pasadena, Maryland;
- Christ the King Church in Kerala, India;
- Christ the King Campus Center at the University of North Dakota, to name a few.
Or consider this witness—the tallest statue of Christ anywhere in the world. Located in the center of a tiny village of about 21,000 residents (Swiebodzin, Poland), the 440-ton depiction was five years in the making, completed in 2010. It stands 110 feet tall, has outstretched arms that can be seen for miles around, and wears a 10-foot high crown. The $1.5 million cost was almost entirely donated by the free-will offerings of simple villagers. The name they gave it (which their sacrificial efforts show they believe to be so!) is “Christ the King.”
In one sense, that could be the domain name of We could have called it Because, frankly, its hundreds of free resources (written, audio, visual, video, music) are focused on nothing less than the supremacy of God’s Son. You could say that our domain is about HIS DOMAIN!
That’s what the “Now” part refers to. We’re all about who King Jesus is right now—where HE is headed, what HE is doing, how HE is reigning—as well as what that means for all of us who belong to him right now.
For example, in the free video teaching series we offer based on The Christ Institutes, the fourth one-hour video explores in depth what Christ’s rule involves. It looks at his lordship over six key dimensions:
- the workings of creation;
- the unfolding of world history;
- the designs of global rulers;
- the destiny of earth’s peoples;
- the rebellion of evil powers; and
- the building of the Church.
Sometime you really ought to check out Session 4: Awake To Who Christ is OVER Us.
But for sure, don’t miss out on this Sunday. Join the global body of Christ to spend some time exalting and exulting in the one who ascended on high, victorious over sin and death and demons, to sit at the Father’s right hand, anointed and commissioned to extend the triumphs of his kingdom to every square inch of the cosmos—including every part your heart and mine.
Oh, by the way, why not continue this week’s royal festivities throughout the entire Christmas season?
Remember the question asked of Herod by the Eastern sages seeking the baby: “Where is he who is born to be king?” Then recall how it is ultimately answered in Revelation 19:
Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
That’s a vision of Christ that even the behemoth sculpture crowned in the Swiebodzin square can’t begin to hold a candle to!
How will you celebrate? Leave a comment here.
About the Author
Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely read books at Enjoy his regular CHRIST TODAY podcast.
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Dear Lord, Sometimes when you have heard things for years and years, they get caught up in your head and become rote. I ask you, Holy Spirit, to explode the Kingship of Jesus in my spirit and heart so it becomes more real and as I practice “the Presence of God” I truly remember Who it is I am conversing with; The King of the Universe, the King of Kings, My King and to act accordingly in His Presence with all the reverence due Him. In the King’s Name, Amen.
I observed this special day by telling dozens of people about Christ Now via Facebook and e-mail, and by reading aloud in praise to the Trinity Psalm 150.
On Sunday, millions of Christians around the world observe the event in a number of different ways. Some gather at the Church or Museum of Christ the King in Rome, Italy while others choose to celebrate in other places like Rio de Janeiro, Brazil or Buenos Aires, Argentina. On television and radio worldwide, there are several specials and music performances included that include “A Message from Our Divine Father,” “The Star on the Star,” “Blessings of the Holy Family,” “The Flight of the Angel,” “Happily Ever After,” and many others. The special appearance by our Savior and His Bride, Mary, in the Garden of Gethsemani on Sunday morning is also well-known and often depicted in art and photographs.
Millions of people also join together in prayerful assemblies or services at homes and other places. Pictures of Our Savior are painted on walls and placed in homes to remember the day. Sunday in the World also serves as an opportunity for social interaction and charitable giving. Relatives, friends, and acquaintances to give away gifts and collect money for the needy and poor.
Thank you
You’re most welcome, Abdul. To explore more of God’s Son look at David