Join in This Prayer for the Outpouring of Christ Upon America
An Introductory Word from Steve Hall
For the past 35 years, I have been earnestly praying like what you are about to read here. It’s a prayer for the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ to be poured out upon the Church in America—a prayer for revival—a prayer for a nationwide “Christ Awakening.” Many believers have joined me in this—increasingly so as we experience more and more desperate conditions in our churches and our country as well as among the nations.
I’m profoundly impacted when I try to imagine the answers to this prayer. I imagine Christ’s limitless love, power, healing, freedom, righteousness, mercy, and grace—all that He is today—being poured upon every aspect of my life, family, church, neighborhood, city, state, and nation.
Imagine ALL of who Jesus is being poured out on believers and unbelievers as well as upon all the challenges we are facing across America in this hour. Remarkable. Unprecedented. Revolutionary. Everything is beginning to move in a Christward direction.
A host of Jesus followers are currently praying with this same vision. We are joined with the Spirit and the Bride as they are praying in Revelation 22:20, “Come, Lord Jesus.” As Isaiah 64 puts it, we’re praying that our Lord Jesus “would rend the heavens and come down” upon us all—right now. We are praying for the fullest possible manifestation of the reign of Christ upon this generation.
I’ve written this “starter” prayer to the Father so you can join with us. You’ll see I use a group of “R” words that seem to work together well to capture much of the key agenda believers across the land are praying about and hungering for today.
Feel free to use this tool however the Spirit directs you. Pray it often by yourself. Pray it with others, perhaps in a small group or at a Sunday worship service. This is our desire:
Oh, may our Lord Jesus Christ
rend the heavens and come down upon us
in whole new ways
in saving, transforming, life-giving power—
(Rev. 22:20)
A Prayer for the Outpouring of
Christ Upon America
Dear Father,
We REJOICE, believing unconditionally that the Lord Jesus Christ is the fullness of the Godhead and of ALL Scripture. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all heaven and earth. He is Lord of ALL! In Him is all LIFE, LIGHT, and HOPE. All hail King Jesus!
We REPENT that we have failed to continually exalt Christ’s unlimited supremacy and to reckon that every part of our lives and of those around us exists under His authority and loving purposes. We have failed to make Him our supreme love. We have become unresponsive to the vast hope we have in Jesus. We have lived lives that are incompatible with who He is and what His kingdom is all about. Please create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. Please bring us back to Christ for ALL He is.
We RESIST all the ways the powers of darkness have been keeping believers from seeing the glorious wonders of Christ and all He offers—and hinders them from living victoriously in His strength and power. Please cover us with the blood of Jesus as You deliver us from the evil one. Help us to put on Your full armor and to stand firmly against all the devil’s schemes that are hostile to the reign of Jesus and the followers of Jesus.
We REQUEST an outpouring of Christ upon us and upon EVERY BELIEVER across our nation. REVEAL His fullness to us so we will become fully awakened to Him. REVIVE our love for Him, our devotion to Him, and our witness of His gospel to the world. Oh, how we need to be intimately following the Good Shepherd—only in Him will we never want. Consume us in Him as our preeminent “Hope of glory.”
We also REQUEST an outpouring of Jesus Christ’s risen, reigning, revolutionary life upon our WHOLE NATION—upon all men, women, young people, and children of all ethnicities among all citizens and immigrants—confronting all the spiritual challenges America faces today. RELEASE the whole reign of the whole Jesus upon ALL our people. May He be their Way and their Truth and their Life! REFORM (transform) them by the renewing of their minds. REDEEM them out of the kingdom of darkness into Christ’s glorious light. May His righteousness exalt our nation!
We RECOMMIT ourselves to living in the fullness of the life of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and to urging other believers to live for and pray for a sweeping Christ Awakening throughout our nation. Please put an unquenchable flame for Christ in all of us—no holding back, no turning back—consumed in Him and poured out for Him.
For His kingdom and power and glory, now and forever, we pray:
About the Author
Steve Hall is an ordained pastor and represents International Renewal Ministries in Washington State and the Philippines. His consuming passion for more than 40 years has been to know Christ all he possibly can and to help other Christian leaders grow in their awe and love of Him by constantly encouraging them to live in Christ’s supremacy and to unite in seeking Him. Steve wrote a daily devotional book called I Want to Know More of Christ. It is based upon 365 names or attributes of Christ to help readers worship and love Christ more and surrender themselves completely to Him. If you want to talk about Christ’s greatness, please contact Steve anytime at
Well done Steve.
Awaken us to the fullness of our Lord Jesus through our prayers.
I agree!!! David
I think of the massive amount of Scripture passages that would/will be fulfilled as our united prayers for a Christ Awakening are answered. Hallelujah, thine the glory!