365 names for Christ changed my life.
Here’s how.


365 Names for Christ Changed My Life. Here’s how.

The deepest desire of my heart for the past 25 years has been to know Christ—in my mind and in my heart—all that I possibly can. In Philippians 3, the Apostle Paul declares the same consuming longing of his life: “I want to know Christ …”.

In my quest to know Christ more, I read the amazing quote by Charles Spurgeon:

“From every text of Scripture, there is a road to Christ.”

I was eager to discover for myself how EVERY Scripture passage ultimately leads to Christ, so I began reading the whole Bible with that purpose in mind.

Look at what I discovered!

Thrilling Discoveries!

Very soon, I began noticing names and attributes of God, titles of biblical characters like King David, or names in prophecies. As I researched those names, I was thrilled to find how one after another was fulfilled in Christ! Each name of Christ revealed a unique aspect of his greatness and caused me to praise him for that aspect of who he is.

Praising the Lord Jesus Christ for each unique name usually led me to other Scripture passages that amplified something about that name or hymns or choruses about that name. Often I was prompted to pray that I would know him more through that name and that my family members, other believers, and unsaved people would know him and give themselves to him according to that name. I recorded those praises and prayers so that I, and a few friends, could know and love Christ more.

I hadn’t planned to do so, but eventually, after following this process through the whole Bible, I realized I had found 365 names of Christ—one for each day of the year. The Holy Spirit had revealed a grand “portrait” of Christ to me, for which I stand in utter awe.

I was led to write a devotional book about my discoveries. I named the book I Want to Know More of Christ to express the cry of my heart like King David did in Psalm 42:1-2:

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”

Your Gift on ChristNow.com

Every devotional entry from the book is featured on the Devotions page of ChristNow.com. I’m blessed to offer it to you as a gift. The devotions are in audio and text format. The page automatically refreshes each day with a new one. You can also sign up for a daily reminder to visit the devotion for the day.

I’m praying with all of my heart that as you read or listen to the daily devotions, you too will be filled with an insatiable longing to know Jesus more, love him more, and be more eager to tell the world about his magnificence!

About the Author

Steve Hall is an ordained pastor and represents International Renewal Ministries in Washington State and the Philippines. His consuming passion for more than 40 years has been to know Christ all he possibly can and to help other Christian leaders grow in their awe and love of Him by constantly encouraging them to live in Christ’s supremacy and to unite in seeking Him. Steve wrote a daily devotional book called I Want to Know More of Christ. It is based upon 365 names or attributes of Christ to help readers worship and love Christ more and surrender themselves completely to Him. If you want to talk about Christ’s greatness, please contact Steve anytime at stevehall_irm@msn.com.

  1. Dan Folden 9 years ago

    Steve, great to hear the story behind your book. And the audio/visual version is better yet. Great tool to lead us in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ!

  2. Dennis Crane 9 years ago

    I am grateful to you both, David & Steve for awakening us to all Jesus is and for encouraging us to allow Him to be Lord of every part of our lives.

  3. david bryant 9 years ago

    Dennis…You and I have been on this journey together for quite a few years (even though we’re a continent apart!). You and Steve and I have a history together that continues to encourage me to foster Christ Awakenings for others everywhere I go. May your life experience much more of Him this day.

  4. Author
    Steve Hall 9 years ago

    Hi Dan and Dennis. It is very good to hear from both of you. It was a joy to write the book, and to make it available to anyone who is hungry to know Christ more and more each day. I really enjoy the audio version, especially as Christopher Glyn reads it. Yes, Dennis, may we and great numbers of other believers enter into the fullness of Christ’s limitless Lordship.

  5. Calvin Lewis 4 years ago

    What are the names you discovered in reference to Christ (365) that are different or unique to Him?

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