Help change the course of history and the direction of our nation at the same time. A greater vision of Jesus is our only answer!
Help launch a Christ Awakening across America—to see millions of “sleeping,” self-focused believers in our nation wake up to more of the glory and supremacy of King Jesus. A greater vision of Jesus is our only answer!
Help inspire a Christward revolution from coast to coast, as the saving reign of Christ restores our decaying and darkening culture through the life and witness of a Church that becomes newly alive to the Lordship of God's Son. A greater vision of Jesus is our only answer!

With your help, will continue to serve as the only address on the web focused on proclaiming the supremacy of Jesus today and fostering a nationwide Christ Awakening movement.

We invite thousands of Jesus followers to donate today.
Then join us daily in prayer for a mighty work of God to save our nation!
Questions Most Often Asked
How is my donation protected?
Your gift goes through the PayPal link at Proclaim Hope! and will be safely transferred directly to the ChristNowOnline project. PayPal will send you a tax-deductible receipt for your records.
How many funds need to be raised?
We are currently in the midst of implementing a major national expansion plan requiring $200,000 in donations in the next few months. Following that, approximately $50,000 will be needed for each of the next three years to keep all platforms active and growing. Think of the millions of believers Jesus will reach by your sacrificial investment!
Who withdraws and disburses the gifts for the campaign?
ChristNowOnline is accountable to the Proclaim Hope! board of directors and the national editorial board of—who are all accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ! National Editorial Board
President, Proclaim Hope! Founder,
National Director,
March for Jesus USA -
Regional Director,
Int’l. Renewal Ministries -
Director of People for Carter Myers Automotive
Youth Ministry Professor, Southwestern University