David Bryant’s CHRISTMAS LETTER to our CHRIST NOW family!

David Bryant's CHRISTMAS LETTER to our CHRIST NOW family!


TO our CHRIST NOW family across the nation:

A moment ago, I stopped once again to carefully scroll through the home page of our prime outreach: ChristNow.com. I came away with these FOUR very strong convictions:

(1) This dynamic, ever-expanding tool for the cause of Christ is about as perfect as perfect can ever be in this world! I would not change a thing! It’s graphically gorgeous. It’s visually compelling. It’s incomparably abundant in diverse resources focused on magnifying the glory of God’s Son. It’s accessible 24/7 across the nation and worldwide. By the Holy Spirit, it stands ready to pour out life-changing blessings upon all who draw on what we offer. And it’s all free!

(2) Truly, there IS no other website—or ministry—like this in the global digital space, Christian or otherwise. To the praise of God’s grace, for the exalting of God’s Son, and by the empowering of God’s Spirit, we—our team and supporters together—have brought forth a “brand new thing in the earth.” It disciples Christians into a deeper commitment to Christ while also fostering a growing movement toward an “American CHRIST Awakening.” That’s a huge reason my heart is singing “Joy to the World” this Christmas season!

(3) We’re clearly on track to fulfill the mission vision for which God raised up Proclaim Hope! 35 years ago. This is coming about by many wide-ranging outreaches such as face-to-face mentoring, a daily teaching podcast, as well as helping audiences become more alive to the reigning Christ. Through it all, we continue to foster and serve a Nationwide Campaign for an American CHRIST Awakening. To that end, our theme for 2023 is “Flood the Zone.” I’ll tell you more about this in January.

(4) God has blessed us with an extraordinarily gifted, sacrificial, and dedicated team. Proclaiming Jesus and calling his followers to live in the fullness of his supremacy has remained our singular focus for over nine years. We are eager to press forward to complete the mandate our Father has given us.

Finally, please pray about a year-end gift to the mission of Proclaim Hope! Help us enter 2023 fully equipped to serve our calling: to transform the face of the Church and the spiritual climate of our nation by spreading a much larger vision of our reigning Redeemer.

David Bryant and the CHRIST NOW Team

You can give online at ProclaimHope.org, at ChristNow.com, or by mail at PO Box 770, New Providence, NJ 07922. All gifts to “Proclaim Hope” are tax deductible.

About the Author

Over the past 45 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to ChristNow.com and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ Awakening movements. Order his widely read books at DavidBryantBooks.com. Enjoy his regular Daily CHRIST TODAY podcast.


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