In this series, David Bryant helps you explore and experience many of the wonders found in the person of God’s Son in the amazing dimensions of his spectacular supremacy. You’ll not only uncover a much larger vision of the glory of Jesus today but also gain insights that will enrich your daily walk with him.
(Episodes 74-140) Life Issues and the Reign of Jesus(Episodes 141-227) Unshakable Hope in God's Son — for America and for YOU!
(Episodes 228-257) 2021 "Summer Sampler"
(21 highlights from 250 episodes) Come Alive to the “WOW!” of Christ—Now
(Episodes 258-303) CHRIST in the CAROLS
(Episodes 304-311) FIRE in AMERICA!
(Episodes 312-329) DAYBREAK!
Messages From the Frontlines
(Episodes 330-398) The 8 David Bryant Interviews
with Dr. Steve Greene
(Episodes 399-406) SUMMER SAMPLER 2022
(Episodes 407-422)
Part 4. FOUR MORE “Joyful Habits” of fervent followers
Part 3. THREE “Joyful Habits” of fervent followers
Part 2. Discover your “Passion Quotient” for Jesus
Part 1. Consumed: No turning back, no holding back
Part 8. The most radical prayer of all: “Come now!”
Part 7. How to grow a lifestyle of holy anticipation
Part 6. Approximations of the Consummation for you!
Part 5. You’ll see the Trinity on glorious display
Part 4. The grand finale for judgment and redemption
Part 3. How he comes upon us at the great Consummation
Part 2. The cry of our hearts: “Come and conquer us!”
Part 1. Heads up! Get ready! Stay alert! Watch out!
Part 5. Reaching the nations by Warfare and Martyrdom
Part 4. His reign advances best as he uses us together
Part 3. There are NO limits on how fully he employs you
Part 2. Ministry FOR him grows as our vision OF him grows
Part 1. Get involved in a reign that can’t be contained
Part 8. Called to be his Body, Bride and Temple forever
Part 7. God’s Spirit: The extension of his Ascension.
Part 6. We unite with each other only as he unites with us.
Part 5. He arrives; he stays; he inhabits us; he reigns!
Part 4. Bottom line, this is what he’s longed for the most.
Part 3. How he imparts his ascended life into your life
Part 2. Why does he reign among us? To conquer us!
Part 1. How his active presence in us transforms us
Part 5. Into the World: to open a way for us right now
Part 4. Into the Promises: to make them ours right now
Part 3. Into the Heavens: to take us there right now
Part 2. Into the Future: to bring it back to us right now
Part 1. For all life, he is prior in these nineteen ways.
Part 9. Here’s how he rules over building the Church.
Part 8. Here’s how he rules over the Dark Powers.
Part 7. Here’s how he rules over Earth’s Peoples.
Part 6. Here’s how he rules over Global Leaders.
Part 5. Here's how he rules over all of World History.
Part 4. Here's how he rules over the works of Creation.
Part 3. Let's count the many ways to proclaim his reign!
Part 2. Why should we get excited about his mighty reign?
Part 1. Christ Conquers! Reigns! Governs! Right Now!
Part 16. Ascension: Our King forever, our joy forever
Part 15: Ascension: It shapes his ministry and victory.
Part 14. Ascension: His honors become our blessings.
Part 13. Resurrection: 29 amazing outcomes for YOU!
Part 12. Resurrection: Why so huge in Gospels and Acts?
Part 11. Resurrection: Awesome in nature and triumphs
Part 10. Resurrection: The great re-creation begins.
Part 9. Crucifixion: Suffering exalts his supremacy.
Part 8. Crucifixion: A full tally of costs and benefits
Part 7. Crucifixion: God's heart takes on our curse.
Part 6. Crucifixion: A mission wrapped in gory glory!
Part 5. Incarnation: See in him your future defined.
Part 4. Incarnation: God’s servant heart exposed!
Part 3. Incarnation: A commitment to us with no exit.
Part 2. Incarnation: His invasion. Our connection.
Part 1. Jesus’ fourfold, irreversible revolution
Part 7. The Father’s consuming passion. Now, he’s ours too!
Part 6. He’s our identity and our destiny—combined!
Part 5. The claims of his names. 365 and counting!
Part 4. Picture of Scripture. He fulfills and fills it.
Part 3. Perfection of revelation. See God? See Jesus!
Part 2. His intimacy with the Trinity. Come, join him!
Part 1. Savor the majesty of his deity. Savor REAL life!
Turn the 7 keys. Unlock the 7 doors. See for yourself!
Base camp or mountaintop? Centrality or supremacy?
Life-giving victory. Life-changing vision. For us.
Declared to Jesus. Then to us and creation. Rise up!
Take this eye exam. Get these bifocals. Be amazed!
You describe JESUS to me. And I’ll describe YOU to you.
How Jesus staggers us. Enthralls us. Consumes us.
The shock of it. The impact of it. The thrill of it.
What this means. Why it’s needed. Why it never ends.