(Episodes 1-73) You and the Coming Christ Awakening
(Episodes 74-140) Life Issues and the Reign of Jesus
(Episodes 141-227) 2021 "Summer Sampler"
(21 highlights from 250 episodes) Come Alive to the “WOW!” of Christ—Now
(Episodes 258-303) CHRIST in the CAROLS
(Episodes 304-311) FIRE in AMERICA!
(Episodes 312-329) DAYBREAK!
Messages From the Frontlines
(Episodes 330-398) The 8 David Bryant Interviews
with Dr. Steve Greene
(Episodes 399 onwards) SUMMER SAMPLER 2022
(Episodes 407-422)
Create a “CHRISTWARD culture”—wherever hope abounds!
The KEY to enter into the FULLNESS of our hope in God’s Son
PREPARE for the promises by REPENTANCE and SILENCE
Lead others into a new work of Christ: JOB DESCRIPTION
Spread unshakable hope in God’s Son: THE FIRST 4 STEPS
#7. The DETERMINED PEOPLE: Find a living hope by dying.
#7. The DETERMINED PEOPLE: Do YOU have what it takes?
#7. The DETERMINED PEOPLE: Seekers become receivers!
#6. The DISTINCTIVE PRAYING: The 3 ways God answers us
#6. The DISTINCTIVE PRAYING: All we ever need to pray
#6. The DISTINCTIVE PRAYING: Unprecedented in 5 ways
#6. The DISTINCTIVE PRAYING: Vibrant voices of victory!
#6. The DISTINCTIVE PRAYING: The most hopeful sign of all!
#5. The DRAMATIC PREPARATIONS: Come! All is ready.
#5. The DRAMATIC PREPARATIONS: Fire isn't far behind!
#4. The DISTURBING PARALYSIS: When Christ’s reign FREES!
#4. The DISTURBING PARALYSIS: How Christ’s reign HEALS!
#3. The DARK PROSPECTS: Where Christ’s reign TRIUMPHS!
#2. The DIVINE PATTERN: Seven stages of a hope fulfilled
#1. The DIVINE PATTERN: Amazing stories of hope at work!
#2. The DECISIVE PERSON: What makes our hope so GRAND?
1. The DECISIVE PERSON: What makes our hope so POTENT?
7 CONFIDENCE BUILDERS to keep your hope unshakable
Up against the wall? Get confident! Get up on the wall!
APOCALYPTIC hope conquers all life’s catastrophes.
Days filled with APPROXIMATIONS of the Consummation
LEAN HARD into a hope in Christ coming right toward you.
“Here Comes Your Pizza!”—the power of hope arising
How BIG is your hope? As big as JESUS ruling on his throne?
Is there any hope? Yes! It’s ABOUNDING all around you!