In this series, David Bryant focuses on the wide variety of challenges and concerns we all face every day. He helps you learn how to tackle “life issues” by seeing everything in light of the reign of Jesus today—what David calls wearing “King Jesus Glasses.” Each episode holds practical implications for deepening your daily walk with God’s Son.
(Episodes 1-73) You and the Coming Christ Awakening
(Episodes 74-140) Unshakable Hope in God's Son — for America and for YOU!
(Episodes 228-257) 2021 "Summer Sampler"
(21 highlights from 250 episodes) Come Alive to the “WOW!” of Christ—Now
(Episodes 258-303) CHRIST in the CAROLS
(Episodes 304-311) FIRE in AMERICA!
(Episodes 312-329) DAYBREAK!
Messages From the Frontlines
(Episodes 330 -398) The 8 David Bryant Interviews
with Dr. Steve Greene
(Episodes 399-406) SUMMER SAMPLER 2022
(Episodes 407-422)
How the Cosmic Optometrist can give you 20/20 vision!
What if Jesus joined you in your daily TV viewing?
Knee On The Neck Or At The Throne? How Jesus Heals Racism
Is Jesus your Puppet Master or Chess Master?—Part 2
Is Jesus your Puppet Master or Chess Master?—Part 1
7 Guidelines For Every Kind Of Christian Leadership
Christians everywhere on fire for Jesus! How about YOU?
How to navigate the radical pathway into more of Christ
What if Jesus never rose again? Where then would we be?
My two gifts to help you CELEBRATE JESUS on Easter 2021
About Easter 2021: The Hand. The Lamb. The Plan. (Part 2)
About Easter 2021: The Hand. The Lamb. The Plan. (Part 1)
A bizarre interview: How do we cure our greatest crisis?
“Hate has no place here!” What if Jesus doesn’t either?
COVID retreats: Time to praise Jesus in our streets!
How to prepare our youth for the coming Christ Awakening
Be Jesus’ “Easter Valentine.” Every day, LOVE him MORE!
World’s best year ever? Jesus and YOUR best year ever!
Try Jesus’ “Amazon.com”: Get FLOODED with more of him!
The “Christ MAXIMIZATION Framework”: KEY to victory!
Jesus is an ICONOCLAST: He smashes idols in your heart!
Turn your Bible (and life) into an "Action Edition".
Jesus has called us to HATE everyone! What’s with THAT?
The BIG IMPACT promised to ANY life sold out for Christ
“In God We Trust”: Which God? Trust how? For what?
Following Jesus daily: 3 empowering secrets, part 2
Following Jesus daily: 3 empowering secrets, part 1
TURMOIL: The key to deliverance for a nation—and YOU
TURMOIL: In our nation–in your life. Is Jesus in charge?
Your place in the REAL WAR consuming our nation today
On my birthday: A look back at 13 ways Jesus has led me
Activating Christians: The KEY I just gave to 30 leaders
Following Jesus: 12 ways he PRECEDES us in our journey
Larry King's final interview: YOU! Only one question.
More on G.R.A.C.E.: Christ’s REVOLUTION in your life
FIVE WORDS that radically redefine your life in Jesus!
How your TEARS can take you into the TRIUMPHS of Christ
What Christ’s kingdom is NOT, shows you who you ARE
Host a REAL Inaugural Party That Cheers the Hope for America
Biden’s Inauguration: Totally Trumped by a Greater One!
The surprising benefits from a healthy FEAR of Christ
Obsessed with Jesus: Truly PRACTICAL Christian living
2021: Resolve now to live out true fervency for Christ!
America in Crisis! 12 Ways Christ Can Deliver Us—Part 2
America in Crisis! 12 Ways Christ Can Deliver Us—Part 1
2021: Start it by finding your “Jesus passion quotient.”
2021: Where do I fit in to God’s blueprint for this year?
The Father’s consuming passion. Now, he’s ours too!
Life-giving victory. Life-changing vision. For us.
Christmas: I spent it in prison. Are you doing that now?
Christmas: Seven truths about it no one every told you!
Christmas: It’s the invasion and inversion of our lives.
The NYC miracle: Could it happen to America—and to YOU?
How your WORDS today will determine America's tomorrow
How will you face the greatest crisis in America today?
Where Jesus PRESIDES, none of us can remain unchanged
5 ways to make America AND your life REALLY great again
5 Reasons to call the Lord of your life a true GENIUS!
Where your life (and all creation) is headed—and why
How to get people to fall in love with Jesus: 14 steps
How Jesus reigns over every presidential transition
How can we help CHILDREN grasp the greatness of Christ?
Powerful Thanksgiving prayers only JESUS can give us
A Thanksgiving dinner vs. feasting on Jesus every day!
Civil war in America? Time for “Christ Supremacists”!
Six secrets to filling souls hungry for more of Christ
How we can TALK our way into the wonders of Christ
Your role in Christ: Jedi Knight or Royal Ambassador?
Ever binge-watch TV? Try “binge-praising” instead!
Any hope for a Christ Awakening in America? Part 3
Any hope for a Christ Awakening in America? Part 2
Any hope for a Christ Awakening in America? Part 1
I saw America’s potential—when filled with Christ!
Let Jesus subvert your life by a “strategy of silence”
The most radical change Christ brings to a marriage
Going deeper with Jesus through suffering and grief
Life’s traumas and the mysteries of Jesus' majesty
Suffering’s gift: We become wholly alive to Christ
Liberated! 5 ways to join Christ in victory over COVID
A new prayer over America: Calling Christ down on us
The coming elections: We vote in a parallel universe.
Choosing presidents and other leaders: 7 GUIDELINES
Here come the national elections! What’s JESUS up to?