New Year → New Direction → New Hope → New You
Starting January 2022, David Bryant and the CHRIST TODAY Podcast present a whole new series of episodes, exploring exciting dimensions of the single greatest hope for our nation at this hour. What he shares in these episodes holds powerful implications for your daily walk with Jesus as well.
The Nationwide Campaign for an American CHRIST Awakening involves an unprecedented, two-year strategic plan to raise up a Christ-exalting revolution from coast to coast. Nothing like this has ever been attempted before.
By working with a host of Christian alliances and national and local Christian leaders, the goal is to fully unleash the “fire” already burning from coast to coast—a mighty awakening to the saving glory, greatness, grace, and gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In this new CHRIST TODAY Podcast series, David shows you what this grassroots phenomenon is all about as well as how the campaign—and the resulting fire of a God-given American CHRIST Awakening—will set YOU aflame in whole new ways as a Jesus follower.
Christ Today Home Page
You and the Supremacy of Christ
(Episodes 1-73) You and the Coming Christ Awakening
(Episodes 74-140) Life Issues and the Reign of Jesus
(Episodes 141-227) Unshakable Hope in God's Son —
for America and for YOU!
(Episodes 228-257) 2021 "Summer Sampler"
(21 highlights from 250 episodes) Come Alive to the “WOW!” of Christ—Now
(Episodes 258-303) CHRIST in the CAROLS
(Episodes 304-311) DAYBREAK!
Messages From the Frontlines
(Episodes 330-398) The 8 David Bryant Interviews
with Dr. Steve Greene
(Episodes 399-406) SUMMER SAMPLER 2022
(Episodes 407-422)
(Episodes 1-73) You and the Coming Christ Awakening
(Episodes 74-140) Life Issues and the Reign of Jesus
(Episodes 141-227) Unshakable Hope in God's Son —
for America and for YOU!
(Episodes 228-257) 2021 "Summer Sampler"
(21 highlights from 250 episodes) Come Alive to the “WOW!” of Christ—Now
(Episodes 258-303) CHRIST in the CAROLS
(Episodes 304-311) DAYBREAK!
Messages From the Frontlines
(Episodes 330-398) The 8 David Bryant Interviews
with Dr. Steve Greene
(Episodes 399-406) SUMMER SAMPLER 2022
(Episodes 407-422)