During an armed conflict, the home front wakes up every morning eager for reports from the frontlines.
During a political campaign, candidates begin each new day by going over the latest findings from their poll workers in the field.
Programs such as “Good Morning, America” highlight events breaking overnight to prepare viewers for what lies ahead that day.
It’s the same for us!
Right now, we are witnessing the acceleration of The Nationwide Campaign for an American CHRIST Awakening. Call it “morning in America” because, as a result, multitudes WILL be waking up to the full scope of the hope we have in the reign of Christ today—a hope that can transform the Church and thus all of America as well.
DAYBREAK is a podcast series that’s all about tracking the breakthroughs in this unprecedented initiative.
DAYBREAK is a new series from CHRIST TODAY, David Bryant’s popular, three-times-weekly Christ Today Podcast sharing timely dispatches from the frontlines of this growing Christ Awakening movement.
DAYBREAK brings you breaking news—or better still, breaking views, such as:
- Reports on the latest advances as the campaign progresses from coast to coast
- Insights on how an American CHRIST Awakening impacts major national concerns
- Biblical perspectives on this spiritual revolution and what to expect from it next
- Stories of the difference a Christ Awakening is making in individual lives like yours
- Messages of encouragement about the blessings this Christ-focused renaissance in our land will bring to your daily walk with Jesus, starting right now
Catch three exciting updates every week!
“… you will do well to pay attention to it,
as to a light shining in a dark place,
until the day breaks
and the morning star rises in your hearts.”
(2 Peter 1:19)
(Episodes 1-73) You and the Coming Christ Awakening
(Episodes 74-140) Life Issues and the Reign of Jesus
(Episodes 141-227) Unshakable Hope in God's Son —
for America and for YOU!
(Episodes 228-257) 2021 "Summer Sampler"
(21 highlights from 250 episodes) Come Alive to the “WOW!” of Christ—Now
(Episodes 258-303) CHRIST in the CAROLS
(Episodes 304-311) FIRE in AMERICA!
(Episodes 312-329) The 8 David Bryant Interviews with Dr. Steve Greene
(Episodes 399-406) SUMMER SAMPLER 2022
(Episodes 407-422)