(Episodes 1-73) You and the Coming Christ Awakening
(Episodes 74-140) Life Issues and the Reign of Jesus
(Episodes 141-227) Unshakable Hope in God's Son —
for America and for YOU!
(Episodes 228-257) 2021 “Summer Sampler”
(21 highlights from 250 episodes) CHRIST in the CAROLS
(Episodes 304-311) FIRE in AMERICA!
(Episodes 312-329) DAYBREAK!
Messages From the Frontlines
(Episodes 330-398) The 8 David Bryant Interviews
with Dr. Steve Greene
(Episodes 399-406) SUMMER SAMPLER 2022
(Episodes 407-422)
How to create WOW prayers that fit the REASON for the season
Seeking the glory of Christ TRANSFORMS every way you PRAY!
How to make Jesus a “WOW” for your friends this Christmas!
Why do too many “evangelicals” FAIL to see Jesus as LORD?
AWESOME! A global, godly leader meets Jesus again—AGAIN!
Under NEW Management: Trump, Biden, you, me, all of us!
How and Why Do Christians Try to “DOMESTICATE” Jesus?
Give Jesus a prayer of THANKS that OUTRANKS all the others.
The GLORY of Christ’s death makes death glorious for YOU!
In Christ, the sum of all TEARS defeats the sum of all FEARS.
“World Christians”: THRIVING under Jesus’ reign (Part 2)
“World Christians”: THRIVING under Jesus’ reign (Part 1)
How to CONNECT people to Christ’s reign through CAREGIVING
LEVI: Trademark of every follower of our Great High Priest
Life is WAR! Our Commander-in-Chief makes victory SURE.
How Christ’s GLORY can make your life truly GLORIOUS!
Feeling alone and useless? Prepare for a JESUS EXPLOSION!
We’re invited into MORE of Christ! Why do we HESITATE?
If you’re alive in Christ, INTIMACY is the key to VICTORY!
How does Christ get EXALTED by a nation under JUDGMENT?
When does Jesus’ REIGN become a RIVER running through us?
Six joyful ways Jesus FULFILLS the year of "JUBILEE” for us
My talk w/John (3): What was your best day with Jesus?
My talk w/John (2): Why did you almost abandon Jesus?
My talk w/John (1): How did Jesus conquer your heart?
How can you be a person “AFTER THE HEART” of God’s Son?
Why should EVERY DAY with Christ be like New Year’s Day?
What’s the ONE THING no one can take from a Jesus follower?
Strategy of Silence: How Christ PREPARES us for his power
Strategy of Silence: How Christ ANSWERS key questions
Strategy of Silence: How Christ QUIETS life's cacophony
Grow a capacity for MORE of Christ (Part 3): Open your SOUL!
Grow a capacity for MORE of Christ (Part 2): Open your MOUTH!
Grow a capacity for MORE of Christ (Part 1): Open your EYES!
The Ephesian Brief (#3): Promises, Provisions, Power!
The Ephesian Brief (#2): How Christ fills all longings
The Ephesian Brief (#1): Why Christ is our true destiny
The Flavel interviews: The joy of being Christ-conquered
The Flavel interviews: Fully defended by Christ ascended
The Flavel interviews: The path into a Christ-obsession
Wonder of wonders: How Christ delivers from desolation
The “WOW!” of Christ revealed in a battle with cancer
"WOWED!" by Jesus: How it happens. How it changes us.
When does “WOW!” become your highest praise for Jesus?
How does “WOW!” change your deserts into spring times?
Why does “WOW!” define your best life ever—forever?