The Christ Today Podcast with David Bryant
Come Alive to the
“WOW!” of Christ—Now

This series includes episodes 258 and 303.

Today Christians everywhere in our land are feeling trapped by trauma.
Think about it: deadly viruses, growing poverty, embattled politics, social division, rising racism, gun violence, domestic terrorism, climate-related catastrophes, conspiracy theories—not to mention lots of numbing loneliness and isolation.
How about YOU? Are you nearly exhausted from all of that’s going on?
Well then, WELCOME to the “Come Alive to the ‘WOW!’ of Christ—Now podcast series.
This new series draws on decades of David Bryant’s teaching about the glories—the “WOW!”—of who God’s Son is for us at this very moment. It takes you on a one-of-a-kind journey into the wonders of Jesus that will renew your spirit and revitalize your soul!
Each episode also helps you discover a “Christward” way of life (as David calls it)—the thrill of being wholly alive to the whole vision of the whole Christ.
You’ll get a fresh look at who the Lord Jesus Christ is NOW that not only makes you say “WOW!”—but also shows you HOW to draw on his risen, reigning life as you walk with him every day.
Isn’t this what you’ve been longing for?

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