CHRIST NOW was founded five years ago this fall.
If every reader would give only $10 by year’s end,
we will be able to continue expanding our outreach
to Jesus followers all across the nation,
leading into the Christ Awakenings we so desperately need.
Nothing like this outreach has ever existed before! is the ONLY website in the digital world dedicated exclusively to magnifying the supremacy of God’s Son today—and to calling for a nationwide Christ Awakening movement.
We offer the Church a vast array of FREE proactive, interactive resources, such as The Christ Institutes training tools; worship videos; teaching videos; teaching audios; daily devotionals; story videos; email journeys; blog posts; podcasts including Christ Today; Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; our own YouTube channel; our Christ Awakening Now (CAN) Facebook community; plus much more.
All of it provides what we call “digital discipling”—as we mobilize a multitude of Christians (especially Millennials) to bring about a spiritual reformation of the Church—and then of our nation.
Five years overflowing with miracles!
Look at the stats table below. Can you believe those numbers?
Truly, what our Lord Jesus has done through Christ Now and because of everyone who has supported us in the past five years, what we see is “exceedingly above” what we could have ever imagined!
Just think what this promises us about where the future of our mission is headed!!
A sign that there is much more to come
We’ve just been rescued! In late summer, we reached out to supporters telling them that if there was not a significant change in our financial picture, for all practical purposes, we would have to shut down—permanently!
BUT not long after, a major foundation—unsought and unexpected—committed to underwrite our budget fully for October-December! What a clear sign the Father is not done with us yet! All praise to the Lamb!
Creating a launchpad for the next five years
The truth is, we’re just getting started. We are ready to invade the lives of millions of more believers with the wonders of Christ throughout 2021.
But to do so, we need to put in place a stronger financial undergirding to help us expand this outreach the way it is poised to grow.
2021 CHRIST NOW Expansion Fund
Celebrating Five Years of a
Nationwide Outreach Through
Consider what God has done already!
Defining terms:
- Reach = People who looked at our Facebook page
- Views = People who read David’s tweets; others who saw our creative videos
- Reactions = People who took time to tell us what they are thinking
- Engagements = Consists of comments, shares, or clicks on these unique posts
- Visits = People exploring free CN resources. Time spent per visit is way over industry standards
- Counseling = We respond to individual concerns and take them to relevant CN resources
- Subscribers = Listeners to our three 30-minute episodes per week (161 episodes so far!)
A record! Amazing as it may sound, during the past five years, the Christ Now team has invested over 20,000 hours into the ministry to bring us to the level of impact we are having today.
A surprise! If you Google “Christ Awakening,” out of over 9 million links that come up, the top three “hits” are for! That means Google’s algorithm indicates we have heavy traffic at our site.
A FINAL WORD from Robyne and David: We are convinced that after more than fifty years of serving Christ together, the outreach of CHRIST NOW, with its level of breadth and depth, is having the most significant impact for Christ in our nation that we have ever enjoyed. Furthermore, we are convinced that this is only the beginning of what is to come—as from coast to coast, CHRIST NOW not only fosters but also fuels and feeds the emerging nationwide Christ Awakening—needed in this hour more than ever.
Donate online at
2021 Christ Now Expansion Fund
Or make checks payable to our parent organization,
Proclaim Hope!, and mail to
Thank you for joining with us.
The best is yet to come in 2021.
All for the glory of Christ!
About the Author
Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely read books at Enjoy his regular CHRIST TODAY podcast.
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