ChristNow Zoom Events

with David Bryant

Become part of the growing Christ Awakening movement in our land.
Sign up today to join our free gatherings via Zoom!

SIGN UP TODAY for the events you want to join!

All events are free!
We'll notify you of the next event and send you the Zoom link to use.

"Do not give up meeting together . . . but encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

Sign me up for the next:
BREAKTHROUGH! Prayer Gathering
Christ Awakening Roundtable
Christ Awakening Seminar

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a BREAKTHROUGH! event involve?

Christ Now will call for these 30-minute rapid-response prayer gatherings as vital issues arise concerning the advance of the Kingdom in America and among God’s people that warrant concerted prayer. Each BREAK -THROUGH! is hosted and guided by David Bryant. We often schedule these brief Zoom events in the middle of the week from noon-12:30 ET.

We want to unite in prayer by allowing individuals at the Zoom gathering to offer brief prayers as they are led by the Spirit concerning issues that are directly related to what we call an American CHRIST Awakening— that is, seeing God’s people across America come fully alive to God’s reigning Son and pursuing his saving purposes for our land.

Participants can join us just to listen in and agree with the prayers of others and, in the process, discover ways to keep praying on their own that God, in his mercy, would give us a deep, wide, Christ-exalting revival to advance his Kingdom in America in 2024.

Here are three video clips to help you understand the focus and faith of each BREAKTHROUGH! gathering: (1) “Our Vision for America,” (2) “Our Vision of a Nationwide Campaign,” and (3) “Transforming Your Prayer Life.


These are smaller, more informal Zoom gatherings—usually no more than 30 people—facilitated by David Bryant. They often last 60 minutes, but that is flexible.

Apart from opening remarks, a ROUNDTABLE consists of free-flowing Q&A times, as well as open and facilitated discussions on significant topics such as:

  1. Clearer insights into the supremacy and reign of Christ today
  2. The current crisis of Christology throughout the American church
  3. The scope of the hope, nature, and impact of an “American CHRIST Awakening”
  4. How to relate all of this to specific issues, movements, and events currently impacting the cause of Christ in our
  5. What steps we can take right now to encourage and serve a Christ Awakening initiative right where we live
  6. How CHRIST NOW resources can equip you to become a “messenger of hope” as you and others guide your group or church into a life that is wholly alive to the whole Christ

Every participant is encouraged to join the conversations, but no one is required to do so.


These are more formal events, sometimes involving 100-300 participants. Led by David Bryant, they often last 90 minutes.

During a SEMINAR, David will present brief teachings based on decades of study and research,
including his many writings on the topics below. After each teaching segment, there will be a
Q&A time, as well as some free-flowing discussion. The topics include:

  1. Gaining clearer insights into the supremacy and reign of Christ today
  2. Exploring dimensions of the current crisis of Christology throughout the American church
  3. Discovering the scope of the hope, the nature, and the impact of an “American CHRIST Awakening”
  4. Relating these first three topics to specific issues, movements, and events currently facing the cause of Christ in
    our nation
  5. Learning steps that we can take right now to encourage and serve a Christ Awakening initiative right where we live
  6. Uncovering how CHRIST NOW resources can equip you to become a “messenger of hope” as you and others guide your group or church into a life that is wholly alive to the whole Christ

This SEMINAR is specifically designed for Christian leaders and pastors, as well as any Christians serious about encouraging and serving a deep, wide, God-given, Christ-exalting revival among God’s people in our nation today.

What happens next if I sign up for one of these events?

After submitting your reservation here for a specific, upcoming event (Breakthrough!/Roundtable/ Seminar), you will receive a reminder with the Zoom link for that event a day or two before it occurs. Then, you simply join us at the scheduled time!

Except for BREAKTHROUGH!, signups for the other two events are limited to that next event. Subsequent ROUNDTABLES and SEMINARS will require an additional registration. However, those who sign up for BREAKTHROUGH! events will continue to receive notices of future “rapid-response prayer gatherings” to allow them to participate in as many as they wish.

Are there any financial fees for these events?

All events sponsored by CHRIST NOW are offered free of charge. If events are organized locally, registration fees, if any, will go directly to the local organizing group.

Of course, donations to CHRIST NOW are always welcomed anytime—and always needed. This is how we keep moving forward to serve you and reach others to join our nationwide campaign to see Christ exalted and reigning throughout our nation.

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