Christ Is ALL!
A Joyful Manifesto on
the Supremacy of God’s Son
Never has there been more urgency in our land for a God-given awakening to Christ. David Bryant’s proclamation of hope in Christ is on God’s heart for this hour and this place. David’s vision of Christ and the full extent of his supremacy can bring the Body of Christ together in powerfully transforming ways. We believe his message is exactly what’s needed at this critical moment in America!
From An Open Letter to the Church from 70 Leaders
Christ Is ALL! is exactly what its subtitle calls it—“A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God’s Son.” First published in 2003, it remains a classic about the glories of Christ and this generation’s great hope of a widespread reawakening to his saving power and greatness.
Christ Is ALL! is divided into three major sections:
Volume I: CHRIST AND SUPREMACY: What Is the Hope We Must Recover?
Volume II: THE CRISIS OF SUPREMACY: Where Is the Hope We Must Recover?
Volume III: A CAMPAIGN OF HOPE: Recovering All the Hope We Are Meant to Have
For nearly two decades, CIA’s ultimate impact has been to help readers joyfully refocus on Christ and his rightful place in their lives as “the hope of all glorious things to come” (Colossians 1:27, PHILLIPS). At the same time, it explores practical ways for you to grow deeper into the Lord Jesus Christ and take others with you into more of ALL he is!
Download and enjoy this widely respected, 476-page journey
into more of the wonders of God’s Son FOR FREE!
Become wholly alive to the whole vision of the whole Christ!
Listen to the Audiobook!
The ministry of Proclaim Hope! is delighted to offer Christians across the globe the Christ Is ALL! Audiobook. Nearly 50 meditations are taken from the first 91 pages of the 476-page hardback version of David Bryant’s widely acclaimed book CHRIST Is All! A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God’s Son. They are read by the author, fused with beautiful music, and last from 5-10 minutes.
This inspiring resource is FREE! Listen to the readings online or download a series of meditations onto your iPod or MP3 player to enjoy during your morning quiet times, on your commute to work, or while running errands. Play them as a devotional time with your family around the dinner table or as an opening at the start of small group Bible studies. Freely pass the downloads along to your friends.
The entire book is available to read in PDF form using the links above. Enjoy either or both options!

Over the past 45 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to ChristNow.com and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ Awakening movements. Order his widely read books at DavidBryantBooks.com. Enjoy his regular CHRIST TODAY podcast.