I’ve stood in the Oval Office at the White House. I’ve held hands with the president as I prayed over him standing in the Oval Office at the White House.

A few days ago, NBC news reported a most amazing event:
Marjorie Fiterman and Bernie Littman are The couple, who fell in love after they moved onto the same floor of a senior living facility in Philadelphia, set a world record for the oldest couple to marry when they tied the knot on May 19 [2024] after nine years of dating. The bride is 102, and the groom is 100.
Until COVID hit, my wife Robyne and I had spent thirteen years volunteering inside a maximum security prison near us. Initially, we thought we were there to care for and uplift men who were about as lost and low as anyone can be—many of them serving life sentences.
The world hosts a pantheon of ancient deities! They come in all shapes and sizes—and attitudes—and claim all kinds of abilities and influences in the world.
Early one morning, when I was five years old, I came within five minutes of dying. What made the difference were two firemen willing to risk their lives by rushing into a house engulfed in carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty furnace.
A house or nation divided against itself cannot long endure. That was the essence of Abraham Lincoln’s unheeded warning (borrowing Jesus’ words) delivered to a Chicago political convention two years before the Civil War.
In the late 20th century, AT&T created an ad campaign based on the tagline “Reach out and touch someone.” The lyrics by the popular singer and actress Diana Ross begin with these words
Nearly 317 Church fathers, meeting in A.D. 325 at Nicea (in modern Turkey), unanimously tried to summarize the essence of the Incarnation’s mystery for the churches rapidly spreading across the map. They incorporated it into a short creed for Christians everywhere to recite as they gathered. Here is the key portion of the Nicene Creed
The Christmas season is full of wonder—seasonal songs and carols, decorated trees, gifts filled with secrets, children wide-eyed with anticipation, some of us enjoying reruns of It’s a Wonderful Life, friends spending more time with friends, or a midnight candlelight service on Christmas Eve.
How are you feeling after this recent political campaign season? Exhausted? Mentally, physically, even spiritually drained? Ready to turn your thoughts and hopes to other things? Well, so am I!
The Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker recently reported: While 90 percent of abortions are performed in the first trimester, a majority of them by pills rather than surgery, even by the 13 th and final week of the first trimester, a fetus has begun to look quite human.
Pray and vote. Vote and pray. But whatever you do today: pray! If there was ever a moment when prayer is needed in our land, it is today, November 5, 2024.
I had been betrayed by two people. Each betrayal had happened around the same time in a similar way—and I struggled to know how to pray for those responsible.
As I stand at the Throne of Grace, looking unto Jesus, there’s an unspoken factor about the debate on abortion today that gives me pause. Yet, it should shape how I express myself as I serve the critical cause of advocating on behalf of the preborn. It is this:
Have you ever worked in a soup kitchen serving the homeless? Have you cared for someone in a nursing home? Are you assisting the herculean task of relief work among the tens of thousands of hurricane victims this fall?
Recently, a dedicated Jesus follower sent me a six-page handwritten letter in which she poured out her broken heart over the wave of abortions in America over the past 60 years—regarding each one as murder, the destruction of God-given human life.
The political yard signs are multiplying around my neighborhood. How is it where you live?
One house down the street not only has multiple signs but banners, flags, and balloons promoting his choice for president in November!
Not a few Christian leaders are deeply concerned about the future of our nation as we enter the final weeks of the presidential campaigns.
Eight Ways to Prepare for the Changes Coming From an American CHRIST Awakening Fourth of a Four-Part Series (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3) David Bryant We’ve just entered a national political marathon focused on a heart cry for one thing: CHANGE! Americans want political leaders who bring change! Change that’s for the better. Change that restores. Change that renews. […]
Why I’m Totally Confident About the Impending American CHRIST Awakening—Even in 2024. Third of a Four-Part Series (Part 1 Part 2 Part 4) David Bryant. Most…
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