How Far Have You Come on Your OWN Journey Into a Life-Changing Christ Awakening?
Find out right now!
Spend the next five minutes with the first-of-its-kind
Do you remember waking up this morning? I'm sure you can describe exactly how you knew for certain you were awake, and how you know even now that you’re still awake.
In the same way, in a God-given Christ Awakening experience, anyone can know for sure they are waking up out of “spiritual slumber” to more of Christ—seeing more of his supremacy, seeking more of his fullness, savoring more of his presence, and sharing more of his wonders with others.
How awake to Christ are you? To help you find an answer, has developed two versions of a brief but practical diagnostic tool to show you how far you've come on your Christ Awakening journey.
Both surveys are based on twenty affirmations concerning key manifestations of a Christ Awakening. One is designed for individuals and groups and the other for ministry leaders.
At the end of each twenty-part diagnosis, “next steps” are suggested to help you keep moving toward a fuller, richer, deeper experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Take the survey yourself. Or give it to your ministry group or entire congregation—then discuss the results together!
How will this free Assessment Tool enrich your walk with Christ?

- With this tool, you explore twenty powerful outcomes of a Christ Awakening meant for every Jesus follower.
- Each response reveals how far along you've come on your journey into more of the supremacy of Christ and fills you with hope about the greater blessings that lie ahead for you.
- Finally, your results let you pinpoint new areas to work on immediately so you can move deeper into your relationship to God's Son.

In addition to the three benefits listed for individuals and groups, this second Christ Awakening Assessment Tool highlights ways to effectively help those you lead to experience deeper Christ Awakenings in their own lives.
The tool helps you discover:
- How far you have come already on your own Christ Awakening journey.
- Steps you can take to experience more of Christ and his supremacy today.
- Areas where you can become more effective in drawing others into fresh awakenings to the glory of God's Son.
About the Author

Over the past 40 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and to Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ-awakening movements. Order his widely read books at