A New Year’s Prayer for a Christ-filled Year

Happy New Year Fireworks

A New Year’s Prayer for a Christ-filled Year

The New Year is almost upon us, which means lots of people are making New Year’s Resolutions. According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, 45% of Americans usually make New Year’s Resolutions. The three most popular resolutions of 2015 were to lose weight, get more organized, and spend less/save more money. Unfortunately, only 8% of people are successful in achieving their New Year’s Resolutions.

While making New Year’s Resolutions is a fine idea, I’d like to suggest something else at the start of 2016—praying a New Year’s Christ Awakening Prayer. If you can, pray this prayer at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve or as a first act on New Year’s Day. If you like, you can also pray it throughout the year—I know I will.

Here’s the prayer, also available as a download to print and post. May this be your most Christ-filled year yet!

Heavenly Father,
There is no one like you and there is no one above you. You are Everlasting God, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End. No one can fathom your wisdom or exhaust your love or match your power. Your word says you give and take away, and you plan our places and seasons. Thank you for giving me another year.

At the start of this New Year, four things I ask:

First, reveal Christ to me.
In all I will do this year, show me Christ. When I sit and when I rise, when I work and when I play, when I read your Scriptures and when I walk in your creation, when I fellowship with others and when I am still, show me Christ. Your word says Jesus is the image of the invisible God, so when I see him, I will see you.

Second, let me experience you.
I want a close relationship with you—Father to child. I want to know beyond my current knowing what you are like, to feel your touch, to hear your laugh, to feel your gaze upon me. I want to cradle in your arms as you hold me through eternity. Align my spirit, soul, and body in holy affection. Your word says that in Christ, I am a child and heir of God forever.

Third, form Christ in me.
Use your word and your Spirit and your church and your disciplines, and whatever else you choose, to build up Jesus in me. I want to decrease, and Jesus to increase, so that Christ is easily and abundantly seen through my life. Perfect me in Christ so I realize I lack nothing, even through suffering and triumph, grief and joy, fellowship and loneliness, action and rest. Your word says that to live is Christ and to die is gain.

And fourth, get glory through me.
If there’s a way for my life to bring honor to you, and give you great joy and reveal your inexhaustible goodness, then may my life speak of your majesty. I want to turn my glories over to you, not reveling in the admiration of man, but instead serving the purposes of God.
And not from labored obligation, but from wholehearted joy. As you get glory through me, you will turn that glory over to your Son, who is now and forevermore reigning at your right hand. Your word says that in all things, Christ will have the supremacy.

Heavenly Father, I dedicate this year to you. Do with it as you will, do in me what you may, do through me what you want. For your glory and the glory of Your Supreme Son, in Jesus’ Matchless Name, Amen.



Chris Heinz is the Founder and CEO of Munyay, which creates coaching solutions to help you love your life and work. He’s also the Vice President of Human Resources for EnergyCAP, Inc. and is an ICF Certified Coach and Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. Chris enjoys coaching people, writing, and speaking on the topics of engagement, coaching, strengths, prayer, and the Christian life. He’s the author of the Made to Pray book and prayer assessment. Chris lives with his wife and three children in central Pennsylvania, where they play at their cabin-on-a-creek.

  1. Libby Carroll 9 years ago

    Thank you! I will definitely use this prayer & share it to my friend in church! God bless you and may He continue to use you in a mighty way that many people will be touch & save especially in my country the Philippines! Thank you for helping & sharing your blessings through the Filipino children!

  2. Kathleen 9 years ago

    I love it when your soul is struggling to give birth to that which it holds and God, being the epitome of Love, leads you straight the words you soul is longing to give life to. This is a perfect expression of my hearts longing. Thank you for putting words to it and sharing this. I will be sharing this with everyone! God bless you; He has greatly blessed me through you.

  3. Laura Jobe 9 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your wholehearted passion and joy for our Glorious Supreme Jesus! I will share this prayer with my husband for our 31st anniversary and also with the pastors and elders at my church. I am celebrating and praying with you!

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