A Most Hopeful Prayer to Share on Election Day in America 2024

A Most Hopeful Prayer to Share
on Election Day in America 2024
David Bryant
Pray and vote. Vote and pray. But whatever you do today: PRAY!
If there was ever a moment when prayer is needed in our land, it is today, November 5, 2024. In the next few hours votes will be cast and decisions will be made that will determine the long-term direction of our nation—even its very survival (which all sides of the political divide agree is at stake).
For Christians, therefore, this needs to be a day of prayer as much as it is a day of elections. Our prayers need to be focused far beyond what we see on our ballots. The ultimate hope for our nation that the Bible clearly declares requires prayers full of God’s kingdom agenda—focused on the King himself, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Attached is a prayer to help you pray that way on Election Day.
Get this: It was first prayed for America by Jason Hubbard a few days ago as he led over two million Christians in these petitions in over fifty nations, who joined with him through Zoom.
Here, I’ve revised his original prayer to fit more specifically with what we need to say to our Father today, November 5.
Consider reciting, even out loud, the words of this hopeful prayer, full of dynamic requests, as we focus on the future of God’s purposes in Christ Jesus for America, despite any outcomes of this current election.
I invite you to unite with Jason and me
and a multitude of Jesus followers
as we turn these petitions into
heartfelt prayers for Election Day 2024.
Dear Father:
We know scripture says you oppose the proud but give grace to the humble. We’re in great need of grace in America today. Therefore, we humble ourselves before you now.
We know Scripture teaches that you dwell in a high and holy place but also with all who are humble, broken, and contrite in spirit. We desperately need such a spirit so that, as a people, we might experience the dwelling of the living God in our midst—making us great again, making us great in ways we have never been before, making us great as your Kingdom measures greatness.
Therefore, TODAY, Election Day 2024, together we bow before you.
We want to confess and ask your forgiveness for all that’s happened in recent months inside the Church in our country—all being observed by the nations of the world: Church sexual scandals, the politicization of the faith and focus of multitudes in our congregations, how we’ve battled for control, how we’ve lied to gain power, and all the ways we have turned against one another as believers.
But we especially repent for putting our faith in human leadership to rescue our nation instead of placing our hope only in Jesus Christ, the reigning Lord of all nations and the only true hope for America.
We know you’re not OK with any of this. We are so sorry for things we have done that have dishonored and diminished our Savior before the eyes of our nation. Please forgive us.
Therefore, TODAY, Election Day 2024, we cry out to you, Sovereign God. We don’t pray like this so that America can become a great superpower again. We pray so that the Church would come alive and arise to live for Christ for all that he is and that, therefore, we as a nation would fulfill the destiny that God has for America in his ultimate goal, to sum up everything in Heaven and on earth under the lordship of Jesus.
All of this, of course, is for your glory, our joy, and the salvation of multitudes of people all around us so that they might one day soon confess him as their Savior and Lord.
We know too that the best way to humble ourselves is to behold the Lamb as he is—exalted!—so that as he increases, we decrease. And so, we pray:
TODAY, Election Day 2024, we come before your throne, Father, in the name of your Son, the Lord Jesus, and we ask that you pour out your Spirit upon us. This is his primary mission—to unveil the beauty of the Lord Jesus to people like us all across this nation, even this very day.
Father, we’re asking you even now—even while we are voting for people to fill earthly leadership roles—to open many eyes to see the far greater leadership we have in your Son. Capture us with him and for him again.
Father, we know that you’re always looking at the wounds of your Son and asking the Church in America, “When will you give my Son his due reward for his sacrifice on the cross? When will his “passion” stir up your passion for his name and his reign so that you stand side by side together for the sake of the gospel in this land?”
Therefore, TODAY, Election Day 2024, we pledge our allegiance not to the Stars and Stripes but to the scars and stripes of the victorious Lamb of God.
TODAY, Election Day 2024, we’re asking you to unleash a piercing revelation of the glory of our reigning Redeemer that would spread across America from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea, from Washington to Washington.
TODAY, Election Day 2024, we’re asking you, dear Father, to arise and come upon us even now, infusing the fullness of the Holy Spirit within the Body of Christ throughout America—not to make America great again but to make the saving name and redeeming work of your Son great again in America. Without that, no election will ever be able to deliver our nation from this hour of danger.
TODAY, Election Day 2024, we ask you, Father, to exalt and magnify your Son so that your Son might reveal to us more of your divine greatness and holy glory. May the name of the Lord Jesus be prized and praised, seen and savored, and treated as infinitely valuable here in our nation the way it already is in Heaven.
TODAY, Election Day 2024, we thank you that the Lord Jesus fulfills and fills full all your promises, now and forever. We thank you, dear Savior, that you are, now and always, the King of kings. You are the Lord of lords. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God and God the living Son.
Jesus, in contrast to all the candidates running for office today, you and you alone are the one to whom God has given all authority in Heaven and on the earth. You are the ruler of the kings of the earth, the faithful witness, and the firstborn from the dead.
What more can we say? You are outstanding. You are marvelous. You are wonder-filled. You are the chandelier of Heaven—dazzling, shining.
Therefore, TODAY, Election Day 2024, we ask for the full display of your supremacy, King Jesus, here in America, without delay, even at this very hour.
Guide every stream of the Church in America into a genuine, unmistakable, irreversible Christward revolution. Cause the whole Church to reclaim the whole vision of the whole Christ so as to take the whole gospel to the whole nation—and beyond.
We ask you, Father, for nothing less than what could be called an American Christ Awakening, as you invade and saturate us by the power of the Spirit of God to restore and renew your people to once again make the gospel great in the life of our nation.
Bring every Jesus follower back to your Son for ALL that he truly is right now—the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the fullness of the God who fills the universe.
TODAY, Election Day 2024, we bow before you, living Lord Jesus, mighty Redeemer and loving Friend. You are the ONLY HOPE for America. You’re the only qualified Savior we can turn to. Your sovereign intervention from the Throne of Heaven is required for our nation to survive this hour.
Therefore, TODAY, Election Day 2024, we pray using the very words of the last prayer recorded in the Bible: “Come, Lord Jesus, come.”
That’s our ultimate vote!
Come afresh to all of America. But first, come to the Church in America. Come to do no less than to shake us, awake us, retake us, reshape us, and remake us to serve together in advancing your Kingdom’s purposes in our land.
Looking to Heaven’s throne, we pray all this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN!

About the Author

Over the past 50 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to ChristNow.com and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ Awakening movements. Download his widely read ebooks at ChristNow.com. Enjoy hundreds of podcast episodes. Watch his weekly vlogs at David Bryant REPORTS. Meet with David through Zoom or in-person events through David Bryant LIVE!


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